
論文 代筆:非洲國家的轉型

論文 代筆:非洲國家的轉型
他們被視為模仿西方同行或發達國家的概念和觀念。因此,不可能根據意識形態準確界定人口趨勢。如果目前的局勢繼續下去,非洲將發生人口爆炸。如果全球化和不同的意識形態滲透到這個國家,這可能會改變(Bongaarts, 2009)。許多非洲國家都有很高的國家風險,在這種情況下,不可能準確預測非洲國家的人口將增加四倍。用於闡明這一觀點的數據集很大。本研究考慮了幾個因素。數據來自可靠的來源。由於這些因素,這些發現是合理的和邏輯的。然而,也有其他研究指出,日益增長的經濟和全球化可能導致非洲人口下降的趨勢。非洲是一個正在轉型的大陸。

論文 代筆:非洲國家的轉型

They are seen to ape the concepts and notions of the western counterparts or the developed countries. Hence it is not possible to accurately define population trends based on ideology. If the current situation continues, population explosion will occur in Africa. If globalization and different ideologies creep into the nation this could change (Bongaarts, 2009). Many of the African countries have high level of country risk in such a situation it is not possible to accurately predict that population will quadruple in African nations. The datasets that was used to formulate this opinion is large. There are several factors that are considered in this research. Data has been used from credible sources. Owing to these factors these findings are found to be rational and logical. Nevertheless there are alternative studies that point to the fact that increasing economics and globalization can cause downward trends in population in Africa. Africa is a continent that is in transition.
There is no real knowledge or evidence as to what direction the continent will head in the next few decades. This is due to increasing commerce and spreading of ideologies from different countries into Africa. Hence if the current situation continues, Africa will be more populated by the year 2100. But this cannot be certainty. Using this study as a focal point many more research and statistical results should be comprehended. From statistical analysis it is quite clear that there is a certain level of comprehension in this article. More insights have been gained from reading the original article. It does seem acceptable that the population would rise and the population growth will be different in other countries. But Africa is a continent in transition. It is not possible to accurately predict the future. Reason provided by the researchers cannot be refuted. Hence there is a need to study more statistical findings before opinions can be formulated. There are a number of alternative theories that have devised different results. This research can be used as a starting point to conduct more analyses.



