

本篇文章講的是誹謗,在美國這樣的國家,新聞自由得到了更多的重視。在這些情況下,需要考慮這些法律的執行情況。在美國,言論的重要性與第一修正案有關。在一些國家有支持這些案件的立法,但沒有真正重視執行。 《通信法》第230條就是為了保護人民免受誹謗案件的傷害而製定的。應該重視言論自由,它是民主國家的一個重要工具,但不應該限制真相,因為它符合一些人的利益。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In countries such as United States more importance is given to the freedom of press. In these cases, implementation of these laws needs to be factored. In USA the importance of speech is related to the First Amendment. In some countries there is legislation to support the cases but there is no real importance given to implementation. Section 230 of the Communication act has been devised for this purpose of protecting the people against the cases of libel. There should be importance given to the freedom of speech it is an important tool in democratic nations but there should not be curbing of the truth because it serves the interest of some people.
Libel is the act of written documentation against someone in the media. Libel can cause considerable damage to the other party. In this case the parties can sue a defamation law suit that is either criminal or civil based on the allegations made. If the plaintiff is able to prove that the defendant acted in self-interest and there was no truth to the claims made, there will be some form of remedial measure offered by the defendant to the plaintiff. They should be able to show that there was no truth to these claims.
Alternatively the defendant can show that the statement made was for the larger collectivistic good of the people and that there was truth in the claims made. But in some cases, the defendants use these defamation lawsuits to hide their actions and to control the freedom of speech. Case of Ricky Wong vs. ATV essentially showcases the importance to presenting allegations with factual basis. According to the courts, Shing had acted only in self-interest. There is an important factor of proving the veracity of the case. Shing could not have had an ulterior motive of serving the community any good by making these allegations. Owing to these facets of the case, it has been ruled in favor of Wong.



