

本文主要講的是民族中心主義傳播,民族中心主義、多元中心主義和混合全球化是影響公共關係的三種傳播模式。這些因素在品牌形象的感知和管理中起著不可或缺的作用。已經確定,民族中心主義傳播是基於固有的本土文化(Curtin & Gaither, 2007)。在這個概念中,有一些特定的術語和交際象徵。在保利中心通信的情況下,它通常是由在不同地理區域運營的國際公司創建的(Curtin & Gaither, 2007)。本篇論文代筆文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Ethnocentric, poly centric and hybrid globalization are the three modes of communication that are found to influence the public relations. These are the important factors that play integral role in the perception and in the brand persona management. It has been determined that the ethnocentric communication is based on the innate native culture (Curtin & Gaither, 2007). There are specific jargons and communicative symbolism that is observed in this notion of communication. In the case of poly centric communication, it is usually created by the international companies that operate in different geographical areas (Curtin & Gaither, 2007).
The companies try to develop a cohesive objective that would work in all the areas of operations. From this model the Hybrid globalization model is developed. Hybrid localization is largely overlooked in the 4 model and in the excellence theory. Hybrid globalization is the notion of integrating the international messages into the local culture (Curtin & Gaither, 2007). While communicating with the people, it is essential to assume basic empathy and understanding of the culture of the other person. In the case of communicating a common objective, there is a need to manoeuvre communication and public relations. This should be done based on the innate culture of the people. This is also used for the culture friendly media to embrace all culture. Excellence theory would function only when the encoder or the speaker maintains openness, dialogue and inclusion (Waddington, 2013).
Advent of social media has caused the people to voice their opinion. This is not particularly inclusive in the entire situation. There are many portals for the people to voice their opinion (Waddington, 2013). Fundamentally for the excellence theory to work there should be balanced efforts taken to promote all the stakeholders involved. There is a need to balance the intended effects and the level of reactivity of the people. Hence the critics of this theory states that the two way symmetric theory is based on an idealized scenario. In reality, it cannot state all the nuances of the situation nor can it address certain irreconcilable differences between the people.



