


当大脑有更少的时间来承担更多的责任和要求时,大脑构建活动的范围就会缩小。大脑助推器在年轻人中大量存在,这是他们解码更困难的任务并注入新鲜记忆的主要原因(Ricci, 2013)。然而,值得赞赏的是,所有的年龄已经开始并决定探索问题,而不是否认,这显示了他们开放和持续学习的心态。风险暴露是在更年轻的时候处理的。随着年龄的增长,孩子们不愿意去处理风险,因此会走向更容易的道路。这实际上是一种渐进的处理方法。尽管如此,这还是成为了一个学习上的问题。当他们倾向于忽略那些困难的,继续他们固定的心态,他们将无法处理他们未来的压力和挑战的环境,这肯定会是乏味的,因为大脑将缺乏助推器。


From the results, it is evident that children tend to stick to beliefs as their ages increase and younger ones are interested in exploring while the elder ones are interested in choosing the easier one that could make their task easier, too. The task preference as projected in the table 2 of research study also showed that very less people choose the harder category between the ages 13 and 15 while the less ages choose harder problems. On the whole, the results proved that the intelligence level is high when the age is less. As they progress, the control factor comes into picture and takes a larger place to influence the decision. Hence, this control factor is the one to influence the effort as well. The efforts decrease with an increase in age among the children. This is as per the revelations from the mindset scale. Growth mindset is visible predominantly among the younger minds because they have the aspirations and the brain behaviour is fresh to execute better and tougher things. The aspect of creativity is high.
The scope for brain building activities reduces as the brain gets less time to boost itself with more responsibilities and requirements. Brain boosters are present in enormous amounts among the young minds which are the main reason for them to decode tougher tasks and infuse fresh into the memory (Ricci, 2013). However, it is to be appreciated that all the ages have initiated and decided to explore the problem rather than the denial and this shows their mindset for open and continuous learning. The exposure to risk is handled at younger ages. When the age progresses, children are reluctant to handle risks and hence go forward towards the easier path. This is actually a progressive way of handling things. Still, it becomes a problem with learning. When they tend to omit the difficult ones and continue with their fixed mindsets, they will not be able to handle stressful and challenging environments in their future and it will certain be tedious for them as the brain will be lacking boosters.



