


然而,研究还发现,饮食一个人的一个主要缺点是减少社会交往。和研究引用发现,孤独可以不利于健康。孤独会损害免疫系统,增加炎症。如果人们一起吃饭,他们仍然应该完全控制他们所吃的食物。这种意识包括健康的食物选择,咀嚼食物,并确定你的食物。大多数的个人生活的人吃不健康的食品(heimtun,2011,p. 175)。当独自一人进餐时,他们往往不注意食物的营养成分。不仅仅如此,通常他们更喜欢懒惰的吃健康的食物。一般来说,当一个人吃的时候,人们喜欢吃快餐或送货订单。这样的条件使你更容易吃高热量的食物,少纤维,油腻,甚至胆固醇。在电视机前吃,使他们吃更多的食物。因为,在两个活动,从胃饱腹信号提供大脑反应较少。作为一个结果,他们消耗更多的食物(heimtun,2011,p. 175)。
另一方面,那些人独自吃饭,不能和别人分享一顿饭。因此,他们不得不花费所有的其余的菜没有。和别人一起吃饭聊天穿插在允许大脑接收饱腹的信号的时间。人们会知道何时停止进食(heimtun,2011,p. 175)。然而,当有人独自一人吃饭时,他或她没有人说话。因此,大脑没有延迟时间来接收全信号。此外,自我喂养也使你吃得越来越快。


Not only that, dining with a menu that someone created for them can also make them slimmer. Because they can make any estimate of the number of meals as much as what they want to eat. Especially if they put healthy food in it (Jordan et al., 2008, p. 293).
However, the study also found that there is one major drawback of diet alone is reduced social interaction. And studies cited found that loneliness can be detrimental to the health. Loneliness can damage the immune system and increase inflammation. If people eat together they should still be in full control of the food they consume. This awareness includes the healthy food choices, chew food well, and determine your meal. Most of the solo living people eat unhealthy food (Heimtun, 2011, p. 175). When eating alone, they tend to not pay attention to the nutritional content of food. More than that, usually they prefer lazy eating healthy foods. Generally, when eaten alone, people prefer to eat fast food or delivery order. Such conditions make you more prone to eat high-calorie foods, less fibre, oily, even cholesterol. Eating in front of the TV makes them eat more servings. Because, while doing two activities, the brain is less responsive in providing satiety signal from the stomach. As a result, they consume more food (Heimtun, 2011, p. 175).
On the other hand, those people eat alone cannot share a meal with others. As a result, they have to spend all the rest of the dish without. Eating with others while chatting interspersed allows time for the brain to receive the signal of fullness of the stomach. People will know when to stop eating (Heimtun, 2011, p. 175). However, when someone eats alone, he or she has no one to talk to. As a result, the brain has no lag time to receive full signal. In addition, self-feeding also make you eat faster and more.



