

本篇文章主要講述公司各部門的技術影響,人力資源管理:人力資源是組織的最大資源。組織需要智力資本來推動業務增長和發展。技術將幫助人力資源管理人員預測未來的人力資源需求,並據此規劃招聘和選擇過程。技術可能會改變招聘過程,因為候選人可能會通過使用最新的技術方法來面試。如果大量人員更容易獲得技術,那麼人力資源部門的應用程序數量有望大幅增加。最新的技術也將幫助人力資源部門在更短的時間內提高他們的工作申請處理率和招聘員工。張,S。 ,2013)。技術將導致人力資源經理和候選人之間進行有效和有效的溝通。人力資源部門的整個活動範圍可能會因組織實施創新的新技術流程而改變。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Human Resource management: Manpower is the most resource for an organization. Organisations need intellectual capital for driving business growth and development. Technology would help human resource managers to forecast human resource requirements in future and plan recruitment and selection process accordingly. Technology might change recruitment process as candidates might get interviewed through use of latest technological methods. Human resource department can expect a significant jump in number of applications if technology access gets easier for large number of people. Latest technology would also help HR department in increasing their job application processing rate and recruitment of employee in shorter span of time (Petti, C., Zhang, S., 2013). Technology would lead to effective and efficient communication between human resource managers and candidates. The entire scope of activities of human resource department might get changed due to implementation of new innovative technological processes in organisations.
Impact of technology on employees: Employees generally refrain from work if tough operations are involved in their job profile. Technology is expected to simplify the work process and provide employees with an opportunity to complete tasks through use of modern gadgets. This would result in error free work and employees would get sufficient time for maintaining work-life balance. New technological processes are expected to motivate workers for attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Moreover, technology would motivate employees for undertaking various other participative activities from fellow workers (Rahman, S., Tootoonchi, A., Monahan, M., 2011).
Change in Business Structure: Business structure and deals are expected to change as a result of technological innovations. Organizations with latest production facilities are expected to command premium in marketplace in the future. Moreover, with advent of technology in most of business processes, organizations are increasingly bound change to change their business structure in response to technological developments (Shideler, D., Badasyan, N., 2012). Change in business structure might argue well for many small and medium organizations. New business structure due to technological developments would restructure management style and work culture in organisations.

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