

本文主要講的內容是內戰的影響,在某些情況下,與奴隸制相比,自由的不確定性更大。在沒有任何有力保護的情況下,自由黑人受到北方社會對白人的嚴重虐待和偏見。當考慮到聯邦軍隊中自由黑人的數量與他們參與奴隸制度相比時,非裔美國人有不同的待遇(Laitin & Fearon, 2003)。廢奴主義領袖、前奴隸弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglas)指出,從政治角度看,南方特有的製度似乎堅不可摧。本篇論文代寫行情文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In some of the cases, there was more uncertainty of freedom in comparison with slavery. Without any strong protection, free black populations were exposed to significant mistreatment and prejudice of the Northern society with the white population. There were different treatments of African Americans when considering free black population across the Union Army in comparison with their involvement in slavery (Laitin & Fearon, 2003). It was noted by abolitionist leader and former slave Frederick Douglas that the peculiar institution of the South appeared impregnable in political terms.
Democrats and Whigs started to congratulate themselves for suppressing the controversy of slavery by a recent deal of legislation. Even though the white population embarked for preserving the society of slaves, the war resulted in the inauguration of titanic revolution destroying the system and breaking the imposition of political supremacy over the working class.
However, according to Lincoln, there are evidences for the inexorable logical events (Walters, 2013). The eventual acceptance and recognition of the Republican Party about that logic actively intervened with the slaves. All of this was in combination for ensuring the reality of this revolution. The war program of Lincoln in the year 1861 was not the key intentional first revolution.
Even though a number of Republicans were warned for risking the emancipated secession, several considerations resulted in initially limiting the willingness of Republican government for attacking slavery directly. There was a dynamic transformation in the policy of Republican Party with respect to the services of blacks as soldiers. In the initial phase of the war undertaken, the attempts of black men were categorically rebuffed by the government for the purpose of joining Union armies (Watson, 2010).
In the scenario of American Civil War, escalated stakes and radicalized methods resulted in parallel shifts in the fundamental bases (Fearon & Laitin, 2003). The overall shift in the effective social base of the Union War ended up influencing the subsequent content and course of the second revolution of America. This further accelerated and deepened the overall process of radicalization. There is increased reliance on leadership and emancipation that urged free black population for emigrating at international level. The overall setting is retreated the new policy of emancipationist. This surely resulted in prompting strong motives and constitutional amendments.



