


重新融入社会是整个进程中最重要和最后一步。重返社会是指前战斗人员以平民身份被安置,并被允许以正常人的身份生活在社会中,他们可以选择任何工作或成为任何机构的一部分(Kingma, 2001)。除了作为重要的阶段,这个阶段也很难实现。它要求前战斗人员、从行动或战争中返回的人以及国内流离失所者重新融入社会。完全使这些人重新融入社会几乎是不可能的,因为战争局势完全改变了他们的行为和对事物的看法(Specht, 1998)。在经历了如此艰苦的战斗环境后,这些人不愿意在战前或前期的社会生活中安定下来。除了他们的不愿意之外,某些情况和标准被改变为谨慎的环境、暴力和冲突。因此,即使战斗人员设法在他们以前的社会生活中安顿下来,社会条件也不能为他们提供他们所生活的战前社会环境。


Reintegration is the most important and last step in the whole process. Reintegration refers to the process by which the former combatants are installed at civilian status and are allowed to dwell in the society as a normal person where they can opt for any job or become a part of any institution (Kingma, 2001). Along with being the important phase, this phase is also difficult to implement. It requires reintegration of former combatants, returnees from an operation or war, and IDPs (internally displaced persons). Complete reintegration of these people is nearly impossible to achieve as war situations are circumstances which have completely changed their behaviours and perceptions about things (Specht, 1998). After going through such hard combat environment, these people are not willing to settle in their pre-war or pre-phase social life. In addition to their unwillingness, certain situations and standards are changed to wary environment, violence and conflicts. Therefore, even if combatants pursued to settle in their previous social life, the society’s conditions do not provide them the pre-war social setup they were living in.
Moreover, these people have differing perceptions of society before and after war periods. The purpose of reintegrating ex-combatants is to give them their social and economic place in society. Reintegration programs are designed in such a way that they assist and motivate combatants, returnees or IDPs in settling back into their social lives to become an integral part of the society as they were before the tensed-phase. The previous phases of disarmament and demobilisation were focused on creating confidence among them by registering them and standing them down to off-war state. However, reintegration phase ensures that these people are provided with adequate facilities to get back to their social lives. The focus of the process is not to fulfil basic necessities of individuals rather to facilitate them in becoming a responsible citizen, earning better livelihood without engaging in violent activities and synchronizing with the community. Thus reintegration leads to a prosperous society.



