


管理挑战:任何组织面临的主要挑战之一都是与管理相关的挑战,因为管理面临着劳动力多样性、员工人口结构的变化和性别问题。在Electra产品的案例中,管理层可能因为其庞大的员工队伍而面临上述问题(Gamble & Thompson, 2009)。工作相关的挑战与问题:通过对Electra产品观察下的案例分析,我们将认识到,随着时间的推移,公司面临的最大OB相关问题之一就是工作相关的问题与挑战。这些挑战可能不同于侵犯员工的隐私、权利和总体期望。正如我们所看到的,Electra公司长期以来违反了这些规则,没有向员工提供他们的隐私、权利和对他们期望水平的分析(Kashyap, 2015)。例如,首席执行官在他的房间里召集芭芭拉和所有的小组负责人开会,但芭芭拉在讨论中途突然离开了。

这给了所有小组的负责人一个机会,让他们在分析和评估芭芭拉的想法和策略之前,就剽窃她的想法和策略。这降低了她的士气,她感到没有动力继续她的工作(Campbell, 2015)。组织挑战:Electra产品长期以来一直承受着组织的挑战,如生产力低下、质量下降、技术创新和进步管理不善、应对临时性、维护伦理行为(Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2012)。正如我们所看到的,Electra产品在其商业模式中长期忽视了竞争因素,这些因素为现有竞争对手提供了通过创新产品和品牌夺取市场份额的机会。此外,它们未能管理市场上日益增长的技术进步和发展,而这在当今的竞争环境中是非常关键的。所有这些问题使得公司在现有的市场动态中缺乏竞争力,并对整体的可持续性提出了各种挑战和威胁(Cheney, 1995)。


Managerial Challenges: One of the primary challenges faced by any organization are the one related to management, as the management is faced by workforce diversity, changing demographics of employees, and gender issues. As in the case with Electra Products, management may have faced these aforementioned problems and issues because of its vast employees’ workforce (Gamble & Thompson, 2009). Work related challenges and problems: By analyzing the case under the observation of Electra Products, we will realize that one of the biggest OB related issues faced by the company is work related problems and challenges over time. These challenges may vary from being violated employees’ privacy, their rights, and their overall level of expectations. As we can see that Electra has long violated these rules by not providing their employees with their privacy, rights and an analysis of their expectation level (Kashyap, 2015). For instance, Barbara was called for a meeting with all the group heads by the CEO in his room, who left abruptly in the middle of the discussion session.

This provided a chance to all group heads to rip off Barbara’s ideas and strategies even before they were analyzed and evaluated. This reduced her morale and she felt no motivation to continue her work (Campbell, 2015). Organizational Challenges: Electra Product has long endured the organizational challenges in terms of low productivity and deteriorated quality, poor management of technological innovations and advancements, coping up with temporariness, and maintenance of ethical behaviour (Ting-Toomey & Chung, 2012). As we can see that Electra Products has long overlooked the competitive factors into their business modelling that have provided an opportunity to the existing competitors to capture their market share through their innovative products and brands. Further, they fail to manage the ever growing technological advancements and development prevalent in the market that is very crucial in today’s competitive environment. All these aforementioned problems have made the company less competitive in the existing market dynamics and set forth various challenges and threats to the sustainability as a whole (Cheney, 1995).



