
論文 代寫 價格-權利在種族注意和性別歧視中扮演重要角色

本篇文章講述的是權利在種族注意和性別歧視中扮演重要角色,這種情況從歷史時代一直延續到今天。在當今的美國,黑人和白人有不同的飲水機就是一個例子。在歷史上,他們只被認為是60%的人類。 2013年1月觀察到的另一個類似的例子是,一名非洲裔美國人被判20秒監禁,儘管他做出了任何挑釁行為。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由英國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

This is continuing from the times of history and continuing even today. Having different water fountains for blacks and whites in the present times in USA is one such example. In the history, they were considered as only 60% human. Another example of the same was observed in January 2013, when an African American was convicted for 20 seconds in spite of making any kind of aggressive movement.
Sexism, on the other hand, may be defined as the attitude or behavior reflected by the human beings on the basis of social construct of gender. It can be defined as the discrimination on the basis of the sex or gender of the person. In other words, it can be defined as the ingrained prejudice which leads to the hatred of a gender against another. Examples of sexism include prioritizing the males in the jobs. This is observed in USA, where a women is paid 77 cents for a dollar made by every man. This has been observed from the recent studied by the Institute of Women Policy result. Another example of the same is female feticide; a social construct which does not allows women to be brought to the world because of their gender.
Power plays a very significant role in racism and sexism. The powerful race always tries to dominate another and make them feel superior. It is also because of the power that a race feels fearful of another. Because of the advantage of power, racism continues in the world on political, social, economic and cultural basis. Racism and Sexism is not exactly about one’s color or gender; it is actually about the person of a certain color or gender, which is powerful to another.
Patriarchy may be defined as the social construct according to which the primary power in terms of political leadership, moral authority, privileges on the basis of society and the control on the wealth is done by the males (Swim et al, 1998). It can thus be defined as the fact in which the males dominate the families and hold the authority over their women or children.
Patriarchy is something which strengthens racism. Because of this, the women are not allowed to demonstrate their independence and are not given rights to be equal. Thus, it plays a crucial role in giving rise to racism and sexism. Thus it can be defined as a belief that a man will be the dominating person in the family, clearly leading to sexism where the women lose a number of privileges automatically.



