


除此之外,它还可能导致土壤中重要营养物质的流失。正因为如此,肥沃的土地变得贫瘠的可能性增加了。这种土壤可能对种植农作物没有用处。因此,它对农民和环境都是有害的。秸秆的燃烧也有很大的风险,火势蔓延失控。可能会发生火灾,火势可能会蔓延到该地区。这可能会对环境造成有害的影响。秸秆焚烧对人体也有一定的危害(Shen et al., 2013)。暴露于PM可能导致人类肺部疾病、系统氧化应激、炎症和人体心脏自主功能的不良变化。除此之外,中国过度燃烧秸秆也导致了能见度低。这导致了交通堵塞的增加,导致了交通堵塞。除此之外,它还影响着中国的航行安全。通过开发高效、低成本、少二次污染的代用品,政府可以轻松控制秸秆火灾。

为了有一个可持续的未来,政府应该集中精力加速集中处理,这有助于方便和环保的秸秆回收(Tao et al, 2013)。应该有一个合适的植物来生产有用的产品,从秸秆和转换一样的肥料的替代品。除此之外,还应该发展劈秸秆的技术和设备。政府还应该为使用环保方法进行回收利用的农民提供补贴。秸秆焚烧是我国的一个重大环境问题,并导致了一系列的问题。它也对土壤有害,正成为空气污染的一个主要原因。除此之外,它还导致了一些问题,如烟雾。因此,控制中国的秸秆火灾是非常必要的。本研究对我国秸秆火灾及其对环境和人类的影响进行了探讨。此外,还分析了政府为控制该地区所采取的主动行动。此外,还提出了控制秸秆种植的建议。


In addition to this, it may lead to the loss of important nutrients from the soil. Because of this, there are increased chances that the fertile lands may become infertile. This soil may not be useful for the plantation of crops. Thereby, it is harmful both for the farmers and the environment.The burning of straw also has a large risk of spreading of the fire which is out of control. There may be intensification of fire which may spread to the area more than desired. This may lead to a harmful impact on environment. Straw burning also has a number of harms of human beings (Shen et al., 2013). The exposure to PM may lead to pulmonary disease in human beings, system oxidative stress, inflammation and adverse changes in cardiac autonomic functions of human body. In addition to this, the excessive burning of straw in China has leads to the poor level of visibility. This leads to the increase in vehicular congestion leading to traffic jams. In addition to this, it also impacts the navigation safety in China. By the development of an highly efficient, low cost and less secondary pollution causing substitute, the government can easily control the straw fires.

In order to have a sustainable future, the government should concentrate on the acceleration of the centralized processing which helps in easy and environment friendly recycling of straw (Tao et al, 2013). There should be a proper plant to product useful products from straw and conversion of the same as a substitute for the fertilizers. In addition to this, the technologies and equipment for the purpose of chopping the straw should be developed. The government should also provide subsidies to the farmers who use environment friendly methods for recycling.Straw firing is a major environment issue in China and is leading to a number of problems. It is also harmful for the soil and is becoming a major cause for air pollution. In addition to this, it is also leading to problems such as smog. Thereby, it is very essential to have a control over the straw fires in China. In this research, there has been a discussion on straw fires in China and its impact on the environment and human beings. Further, there has been an analysis of the initiatives taken by the government for the control of the same. In addition to this, the recommendations have been provided to control the straw farming.



