



是一个著名的西班牙政治家,红衣主教和贵族。出生的太阳,教皇亚历山大6,博尔吉亚的红衣主教选举党的工作他的父亲。这之后他还让教皇国的王子。他是一个爱冒险的人,这是由于他,意大利文艺复兴时期的挤。他是一个非常聪明的统治者相比竞争对手。他所使用的方法是非常凶猛的,靠不住的。他曾短暂Leaonardo达芬奇作为军事建筑师。他是同父异母的兄弟不Perdo Luis de哈。他于1507年去世后逃离了监狱。


Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a very famous philosopher, writer and composer. Born in the 18th century in Geneva, he wrote a number of novels which were related to the political influence during the days of French Revolution. He used to follow social contract theory and the theory of romanticism. In addition to this, his areas of interest included the political philosophy, music, education, literature and autobiography. The ideas of general will, more simplicity among the human beings, learning methodology which is mainly centre to children, civil religion, and positive liberty were put forward by him (Janovich, 1988). He proposed the theory of natural human and also put forward the political theory. Some of his major works includes the “Dissertation sur la musique modern”, released in 1736 and Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau which was his own autobiography released in 1782.
Cesare Borgia was a well-known Spanish politician, cardinal and nobleman. Born as the sun of Pope Alexander 6, Borgia worked as the cardinal on the election party of his father. After this he was also made the prince for the Papal States. He was an adventurous person and it was due to him that Italy of the Renaissance swarmed. He was a very clever ruler in comparison of his rivals. The methods which were used by him were very ferocious and treacherous. He briefly employed Leaonardo Da Vinci as the military architect. He was the half-brother Don Perdo Luis de Borja. He died in 1507 after escaping from the prison.



