

本文主要讲的是社交媒体的传播,这些可以包括图形、文本、图片和视频。然而,它基本上是公民对公众的信息交流和传播。公民新闻是在媒体时代发展起来的(Bruns, 2015)。互联网上社交媒体的出现导致博客、流媒体视频、播客和更新的网络相关创新的数量增加。社交媒体的出现为普通人提供了向全球受众传达信息的能力。这曾经是为最大的媒体公司和不同的新闻机构保留的权力。本篇论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These can include graphics, text, pictures, and video. Nevertheless, it is basically communication and dissemination of information by the citizen to the public. The citizen journalism has grown in the media age (Bruns, 2015). The emergence of social media in the Internet has caused an increase in the number of blogs, streaming video, podcasts and newer Web-related innovations. The advent of social media provided the average person with the ability to communicate information to a global audience. This was once a power reserved for the largest media corporations and different news agencies.
It required a lot of infrastructure costs. However, the advent of citizen journalism has changed the dynamics of communication of the people. When it was originally developed in 2000, the citizen journalism was considered to be a revolution. This was a more democratic process, and citizen journalism has changed from those times. It has been marred by false reporting. The reporting of the Superstorm Sandy or people saying that the New York Stock Exchange was flooded was merely rumours and false news (Bruns, 2015). The citizen journalists are not paid for their work. Hence, it can be said that not enough commitment for their people to actually report the facts.
The nuances of good journalism are about the notions of networking. Some of the best journalists in the world are the people who listened. The citizen journalist has a unique notion of ensuring that they can be listened in the current times. Many more lessons that need to be learned from this social media revolution. Many ways of ensuring the different kinds of experimentation. These are the changes that are occurring in the news industry in the recent times.




