






Learning theories is just as old as learning itself. Learning is considered a very personal action. However this simple personal act cannot happen without the influence of the society and in that learning becomes a social action also. Hence there is a paradoxical element associated with learning. Learning theories have been presented with a behaviorist view, “Learning implies a change in the individual as a result of some intervention. It may be viewed as an outcome or as a process” (Belkin and Gray, 1977, p.211). On the other end the constructivist view learning as a search for meaning. The role of the external stimuli such as a teacher in motivating the student to construct their own mental image is acknowledged in this theory. The behaviorist approach and the constructivist approach are in fact considered as two extremes of the spectrum on the theories of learning. This essay critically analyzes the two theories and argues that the constructivist theory if more evolved to explain the learning situation in contemporary times.


The conditioning of human behavior is at the heart of the behaviorist theory. J. B Watson is considered the father of Behaviourism. The classical conditioning as defined in an experiment by Pavlov is also supportive of this theory. A human learns to respond to a neutral stimulus in a way that they would respond to an unconditioned stimulus. Using the Operant conditioning technique to understand this further it would mean that learning behaviour would either be strengthened or would be weakened based on the presence of a reward or a punishment, “The learning principle behind operant conditioning is that new learning occurs as a result of positive reinforcement, and old patterns are abandoned as a result of negative reinforcement” (Belkin and Gray, 1977, p.59).



