


澳大利亚政府选择所有的中学,并且没有与小学相比的天才教育。澳大利亚有地理上孤立的天才学生,各种学校都不能提供特定的课程。学校对天才和有才华的学生提供的服务质量各不相同(Whitton, 2006)。这取决于对天才学生的原则态度、学校工作人员、培训的数量和教育的PD。天赋是一种动态的概念,而不是以前的静态概念。因此,课堂教师对天才学生的学习能力、适应能力和发展能力的影响最为显著。


态度和行为之间的关系是复杂的,而且总是不一致的。对资优教育的消极态度会导致歧视行为,尤其是当一群教师中存在消极态度时(McCann, 2005)。在目前澳大利亚的教学实践中,教师对资优教育的消极态度和资源的缺乏对资优教育产生了消极影响。缺乏适当的培训和信心、神话、对资优教育的反精英信念和资优学生是教师对资优教育消极态度的主要原因。澳大利亚政府设立的许多委员会和机构建议改革资优教育制度。


The Australian government selects all secondary schools, and there is no equivalent to primary schools for gifted education. There are geographically isolated gifted students in Australia and various schools which are not able to offer specific subjects. The quality of provision offered to gifted and talented students varies from school to school (Whitton, 2006). It depends upon the attitudes of principles, staffs of schools, the amount of training and PD in education for gifted students. Giftedness saw as a dynamic instead of a static concept like before. Therefore, the classroom teachers have the most significant influence on the ability of learning, adopting and development of the gifted students.

The relationship between the attitudes and behaviour is complex, as well as always not consistent. A negative attitude to gifted education cam cause discriminatory behaviour particularly when negative attitude exists within a group of teachers (McCann, 2005). On the current pedagogical practice in Australia, negative attitude of teachers towards gifted education and a lack of resources are negatively affecting the gifted education. Lack of proper training and confidence, myths, anti-elitist beliefs regarding the gifted education and gifted students are major causes behind the negative attitudes of the teachers towards gifted education. Many committees and agencies set up by the Australian government have suggested reforms in the gifted education system.



