


近年来,由于消费者的知识和信息库的扩张,市场全球化塑造了消费者的需求(Bovee and Thill, 2015)。获取竞争优势的目标是相同的,为了创造品牌知名度,企业超越迎合市场需求已经成为重要的事情。目前的营销技术和实践很大程度上依赖于与客户进行有效沟通,以建立对话。Bocken et al.(2014)指出,需要与消费者进行有效沟通的主要含义可以通过企业试图吸引消费者注意力的可持续方式来体现(Bocken et al., 2014)。理解这种关系的发展对于业务来说也是至关重要的,这可能是很重要的,因为解决方案和产品只有在充分理解需求时才能开发出来。


在这一点上,交易和交换理论对于需要着眼于创造有价值的事物的前景的商业实体来说是很重要的,这反过来又可以被认为是增加产品或服务的效用(Czinkota, et al., 2014)。因此,发展关系的整个标准可以渗透到对什么可以为客户创造价值的整个理解之中。在这个概念中,市场营销作为一种以客户为中心的关系构建形式,从而确保客户的忠诚度,这将有助于维持在市场中创造的需求(Belk, 2014)。可以注意到,企业如何参与促销活动,利用其产品和发展与消费者的沟通。


The implication in the recent times can be noted in the ways in which consumer’s needs have been shaped by the globalization of the marketplaces owing to the expansion in the knowledge and information base of the consumers (Bovee and Thill, 2015). The goal of gaining competitive advantage being same, in order to create the kind of brand awareness, it has become important for businesses to look beyond the catering to the market needs. The present marketing techniques and practices are hugely reliant on the development of effective communication with customers in order to create a dialogue.Bocken et al. (2014) have noted that the major implication of the needs to develop an effective communication with consumers can be noted in the sustainable ways in which businesses are trying to gain the attention of the consumers (Bocken, et al., 2014). It has perhaps been important to understand that the development of the relationship is crucial for the business as well since solutions and products can only be developed when needs and demands are fully understood.

In this regard, the transaction and exchange theory is important to be understood by business entities that need to look at the prospects of creating something of value, which in its turn can be considered as adding utility to the product or service (Czinkota, et al., 2014). The whole criteria of developing the relationship hence can be permeated within the entire understanding of what can create value for the customers. In this concept, the marketing works accordingly as a form of relationship building that is primarily customer-focused, thereby ensuring customer loyalty which would help in sustaining the demands created in the market (Belk, 2014). The implications can be noted in how businesses involve in promotional activities to leverage their products and developing communication with their consumers.



