


联合利华公司是英荷合资企业,成立于1930年。它在世界各地都有全球性的存在。食品、家居护理、个人护理、饮料、冰淇淋是该品牌的主要产品。它拥有大约400个品牌,在许多国家都有业务。公司从事产品的设计、开发、制造和销售(Hill & Hill, 2012)。它还拥有一些子公司。他们在一些新兴和发达国家建立了公司。该公司仅2014财年的年营业额就达到了484亿英镑(Hill & Hill, 2012)。有超过172000人在这家公司工作。他们还与各个领域的供应商、分销商和零售商合作。上面的图可以作为一个公式来理解运营管理中涉及的不同方面。以联合利华公司为例进行了配方分析。联合利华公司在不同的地理位置开展业务,需要确保在其已开展业务的地方顺利开展业务。

联合利华的质量标准、创新、有效的流程管理、优质的服务和可交付成果应该是统一的,以确保公司的品牌形象。该公司已作出许多努力,以确保其做法的同质性。联合利华遵循一种被称为联合利华全球(Hamel & Prahalad, 2013)的均质标准化实践。对于公司的运营管理,公司遵循最新的技术,在其运营管理中近期的标杆流程。在生产过程中,产品是根据消费者的需求开发的。传统的供需规律协议用于其生产管理和产品开发。联合利华全球代码(Unilever GLOBAL code)有一套统一的授权,需要参与生产、分销和零售过程的公司各利益相关者遵守。该联合利华全球代码是一个过程,是一个统一的过程和地方政府法律的融合。


Unilever Company is English-Dutch Company originally founded in 1930. It has a global presence around the world. Food, Home Care, Personal care, Beverages and Ice Cream are the main products that are produced by this brand. It owns around 400 brands and has business operations in many countries. Company is involved in designing, development, manufacturing and distributing of its products (Hill & Hill, 2012). It also owns a number of subsidiary companies. They have established the company in a number of emerging and developed countries. The annual turnover for this company for the fiscal year 2014 alone was 48.4 Billion Pounds (Hill & Hill, 2012). More than 172000 people work for this company. They also work with suppliers, distributors and retailers across the spectrum. Figure above can be used as a formula to understand the differential aspects involved in operational management. Using this as a formula Unilever Company is analyzed. Unilever Company operates in different geographical locations and needs to ensure that there is smooth functioning of the operations in places where it has commenced its business operations.

Quality standards, innovation, effective process management, high quality services and deliverables of Unilever should be uniform to ensure brand image of the company. There have been many endeavours made by the company to ensure homogeneity in their practices. Unilever follows a homogenized standardized practice called Unilever GLOBAL (Hamel & Prahalad, 2013). For the Operational management of the company the company follows the latest technologies, recent benchmarking process in its operations management. For its production process the products are developed based on consumer requirements. Traditional Law of supply and demands protocols is used for its production management and for development of its products. Unilever GLOBAL code has a set of uniform mandates that needs to be followed by each stakeholder of the company involved in the production, distribution and retailing process. This Unilever Global code is a process that is an amalgamation of the homogenized process and local governmental laws.



