


The social challenges of population ageing are direly underestimated. If the trend continues, there would be left marginal number of people to reproduce and thus a world full of incapable unhealthier, aged population would be a sad state. Socially, the aged would be more detached from their families as they would have less family members due to less marriages and declining fertility rates. This would even affect their motivation for continuing to live longer. Besides, even the availability of the best healthcare and medication won’t be useful in such situations where there would be more aged people and less young people.
The above chart shows the population ageing projected in Australia by the government, and it stands out that the number of 60 years old and more would become 8 million. This will force the government to prepare community care, aged living provisions to those who would also at the same time have less number of descendants, on whom they can depend financially. The focus of the government would also shift to introducing more policies for the aged. There would be serious implications for the sustenance and unhindered continuance of the social structures of society, and of the economic sustainability. When the working force decreases in number, the consequences would be interesting, because the aged would also claim a larger share of government funds than expected.
Physical and emotional well-being would be less relevant; in fact, it would decline in quality, as there would be less number of joint families and more number of single or couple aged populations living. The bond that binds the ageing to their families would be fragile and they would be left with emotional deficiency. A sign of healthy life, emotional stability could be expected to decline consistently if the life expectancy remains high and the fertility of the young keeps declining. It’s a double edged sword for the ageing population, who would probably be forced to become more self-dependent, financially stable, and emotionally strong despite the perceived challenges. Challenges abound, will continue to pose new questions to the government and global institutions about preventing population ageing.




