


外在激励因素的作用与内在激励因素形成鲜明对比。它确立了这样一种观念,即内在的激励因素可以对人民的发展工作产生更好和更长期的影响,并影响他们为提高其效率而改造其工作的能力。(Benabou & Tirole, 2003)。内在激励因素的重要性被证明在工作场所的工作中具有重要的作用,因为在外在激励因素下的奖励所产生的负面影响有很大的必要去控制。外部奖励和激励因素的负面影响使得有必要将内在激励因素作为组织发展的一部分(Cameron, 2001)。

新时期的经济需要知识工作者的参与。有大量的需求需要允许这些知识工作者在内在激励因素的范围内发展潜力和能力。工作承诺和在工作场所有所作为的愿望为这些工人的成长和发展创造了动机的主要领域。它提供了一个理论框架来发展这样一种观念,即组织可能会提供一种正确的方法来实现内在动机,这将有利于为其员工发展最佳的工作文化(Malhotra & Galleta, 2003)。


The role of extrinsic motivators comes into play in terms of the sharp contrast with the intrinsic motivators. It establishes the notion that intrinsic motivators could create better and longer-term impact on the working of the people’s development and their ability to mould their working for increase in their effectiveness. (Benabou & Tirole, 2003).The importance of intrinsic motivators is shown to have important role within the working of the workplaces as there is significant amount of necessity to control the negatives which are created by the rewards placed under the extrinsic motivators. The negatives of extrinsic rewards and motivators make it necessary for employing intrinsic motivators as a part of the organizational development (Cameron, 2001).

The new-age economy calls for the need to have engagement of the knowledge workers. There is a significant amount of need to allow such knowledge workers the potential and ability to grow within the purview of intrinsic motivators. Work commitment and desire to make a difference in their workplace creates the main area of motivation for the purpose of growth and development of such workers. It provides theoretical framework for the development of the notion that organization which is likely to provide right kind of approach to intrinsic motivations would benefit in terms of developing optimum work culture for their employees (Malhotra & Galleta, 2003).



