
swot analysis 代写:了解史蒂夫·乔布斯

swot analysis 代写:了解史蒂夫·乔布斯

史蒂夫·乔布斯被认为是一位非传统的领导者。史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克共同创立了苹果电脑公司,开创了包括iPad和iphone在内的革命性技术。1955年,他出生在加利福尼亚。在创办苹果电脑公司之前,他是一个聪明的企业家,没有明确的目标。苹果的创新产品决定了对当代科技的评价,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)于1985年卸任,10多年后重返苹果。乔布斯于2011年去世,此前他一直与胰腺癌作斗争。他的管理风格不符合任何大学教科书的理论。与此同时,他的协商一致意见或协商性建设方法也没有得到承认。史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)以直言不讳的批评而闻名,他是一个要求员工有出色表现的高维护同事(Barnes, 2015)。正是他的天才大脑、能力和从以往错误中吸取的教训,使他成为那个时代的成功领导者。

swot analysis 代写:了解史蒂夫·乔布斯
他能够清晰地表达自己的愿景,并买下员工、投资者和客户,让他们跟随苹果电脑的征程。本文主要研究了史蒂夫·乔布斯的领导风格,并分析了他的领导特点。本文从交易型领导与变革型领导的特点、操纵型领导与激励型领导的倾向、情商型领导的特点等方面分析了企业的领导特征。交易型领导者主要关注监督、团队绩效和组织。交易型领导者通过奖励和惩罚来促进追随者的服从。他以目标为导向,主要专注于传统的领导方式。事务性领导不会改变组织的未来。他们只是试图让事情保持不变。他们关注追随者的工作,发现偏差和错误(Sharma和Grant, 2011)。这些类型的领导者在紧急情况和危机情况下,以及在项目需要以准确的方式进行的情况下非常活跃。

swot analysis 代写:了解史蒂夫·乔布斯

Steve Jobs is recognized as an unconventional leader. Steve Jobs founded Apple Computers with Steve Wozniak that pioneered revolutionary technologies, including the iPad and iPhones. He was born in California, in the year 1955. He was a smart entrepreneur with directionless aims before starting the Apple Computers. Apple’s innovative products dictate the evaluation of contemporary technology, with Steve Jobs leaving his role in the year 1985 and came back more than a decade later. Jobs died in the year 2011, after battling with a long run pancreatic cancer. His management style does not follow any theories of university textbooks. Along with that, he was not recognized for his consensus or consultative building approaches. Steve Jobs was known for his direct delivery of criticisms and was a high maintenance co-worker demanding outstanding performance from his employees (Barnes, 2015). It was his genius brain, ability and lessons learned from his prior mistakes that made him a successful leader of his time.

swot analysis 代写:了解史蒂夫·乔布斯
He was capable of articulating his vision and bought the employees, investors and customers to walk along with the journey of Apple Computers. The paper mainly focuses on the leadership style of Steve Jobs and analyses his leadership characteristics. The paper analyses the leadership characteristics on the basis of transactional Vs transformational characteristics, tendency to use manipulation Vs inspiration and emotional intelligence in leadership.Transactional leaders mainly focus on the supervision, group performance and organization. A transactional leader promotes the compliance of his followers with rewards and punishment. He is goal oriented and mainly focuses on using the traditional approaches of leadership. The transactional leaders do not tend to change the future of the organization. They merely try to keep things unchanged. They pay attention to the job of the followers to find deviations and faults (Sharma and Grant, 2011). These types of leaders are much active in emergency and crisis situations and during the situations when a project needs to be carried out in an accurate manner.



