


通过facebook和其他类似的社交网站,也出现了在线约会和儿童数字化的实践。我们对技术的过度依赖,以及通过第四屏幕技术保持联系的便利性,确保了虚拟互动多于真实互动,导致了在线约会的出现。科技的普及也导致了儿童的数字化。基于这些新兴的社交媒体实践,可能会有许多争论。第一个论点是社交媒体领域是否已经成为新的公共领域,因为社会互动影响我们的公共互动。根据Rushkoff (1994, p.3)的观点,现实世界和虚拟世界在今天是如此的交织在一起,以至于定义什么是严格意义上的社交世界,什么是严格意义上的公共世界也可能是一个挑战。

根据Messner和DiStaso (2013, p.468)的研究,在心理上,我们未被满足的需求和欲望会影响我们的网络身份和活动,而我们的网络互动又会影响我们现实生活中的互动——这是一个恶性循环。第二种观点可能是这些趋势的有效性——社会行为是否确实发生了转变,或者其中很大一部分是否受到了“从众心理”的影响。例如,一个青少年可能会把他的dp变成彩虹,因为“看起来很酷”,而不是被忽略,而不是理解真正的社会政治含义和背后的原因。


There is also an emergence in the practises of online dating and digitization of childhood through facebook and other similar social networking sites. Our over-dependency on technology and the ease of staying connected through the fourth screen technology ensures more virtual interactions than real, leading to the emergence of online dating. The easy availability of technology has also lead to the digitization of childhood.Based on these emerging social media practises, there can be a number of arguments. The first argument is whether social media spheres have become the new public spheres since the social interactions affect our public interactions. According to Rushkoff (1994, p.3), the real and virtual worlds are so intermeshed today that defining what is strictly social and what is strictly public may also prove to be challenging.

According to Messner, and DiStaso (2013, p.468), psychologically, our unfulfilled needs and wants affect our online identity and activities, and our online interactions affect our real-life interactions- it’s a vicious cycle. The second argument can be the validity of the trends- whether there is indeed a turn in social behaviours, or whether a large portion of it is influenced by ‘herd mentality’. For instance, a teenager may change his dp into the rainbow for the sake of ‘appearing cool’ and not being left out instead of understanding the true socio-political implications and reasons behind it.



