

諾孕酮:是一種女性避孕藥,它的定義是黃體酮或合成形式,自然發生在女性性激素稱為孕酮。如果體內的黃體酮水平下降,導致月經週期沒有發生妊娠,那麼它有助於欺騙身體過程,使其認為排卵已經發生。它還有助於維持合成黃體酮的高水平,從而防止卵子從胚珠釋放。如前所述,這是該藥物的作用和機制(Eugene 125-136)。二乙基雌醇:是20世紀40年代末、70年代用於預防流產和早產的藥物。使用這種藥物的治療增加了心理機制方面的風險。它似乎也會導致上皮分化紊亂,也會導致子宮頸紊亂。該藥的作用也表明淋巴系統和下丘腦-垂體控制系統的紊亂發展。這些是使用這種藥物可以觀察到的機理和效果。
乙炔雌二醇:是一種專門用於延緩排卵的藥物。重要的作用機制有助於解釋結果,因此ECP的有效性可以在月經週期的前半部分使用。這種藥物的其他可能機制包括黃體的適當功能和導致精子被捕獲的頸肌增厚。這種機制和作用體現在以下藥物(Katzung 550-585)。米非司酮具有副作用少或無副作用,影響受精卵的發育和運輸,可作為一種術後避孕藥物。研究表明,許多女性月經延遲,但這是由米非司酮抑制卵泡發育和排卵的因素造成的。過敏或抗凝血的患者不宜服用。這種藥物會引起頭暈,如果懷孕是在子宮外,就不應該使用。


L-Norgestrel: It is used as a female contraceptive which is defined as the progestin or synthetic form, naturally occurring in the female sex hormones known as progesterone. If the progesterone level in the body falls resulting in the menstrual period without occurring pregnancy, then it helps to trick the body process into thinking which clearly defines that ovulation has already occurred. It also helps in maintaining the high levels of the synthetic progesterone and thereby prevents the release of eggs from the ovules. This is the action and the mechanism of this drug as stated (Eugene 125-136).Diethylestilbestrol: It is a kind of drug which is used for preventing the miscarriages and the premature births in the late 1940s and 1970s. The treatment with the usage of this drug increases the risk regarding the psychological mechanisms. It also seems to be resulting in disturbed epithelial differentiation and also results in the disturbed uterine cervix. The action of this drug also signifies the disturbing development of the lymphoid system as well as the hypothalamic-pituitary gland control system. These are the mechanism and the effects that can be observed with the usage of this drug.
Ethinyl estradiol: This drug is specially used for the purpose of delaying ovulation. The important mechanism of action helps in explaining the results and thereby the ECP effectiveness can be used during the first half of the menstrual cycle. Additional possible mechanisms that are included for this drug represents the appropriate functioning of corpus luteum and the thickening of the cervical muscles which results in trapping of sperms. This mechanism and the action are represented in this following drug (Katzung 550-585). Mifepristone can be used as a postcoital contraceptive as the drug has fewer or no side-effects and can influence the development and transportation of fertilized egg. Researchers indicate that a lot of women have a delay in menstruation, but that is caused by the inhibitory factor of Mifepristone on follicular development and ovulation. The drug should not taken by those patients who are allergic or taking anticoagulants. The drug can cause dizziness and should not be used if the pregnancy is outside the womb.



