




Corporate sustainability reports for the 50 companies report on some elements mandatory and some elements are reported on by some companies only, such as people and employee numbers of the company, the community related activities, environment, target emissions and more are reported by most companies. The most dominant category noted in content analysis was that of people/employee. Many of the CSR reports include data on people or employees. Community and environment comes a close second, and the mention of word target is relatively less. The relative nature of it varies based on company. For instance, food and beverage, steel and tourism companies had mentioned the word ‘target’ relatively more in comparison with other industries (From Figure 4).

One of the major category in which a significant change is reported from 2013-2017 is that of targets. It can be inferred that much of the data on targets of companies has been improved very well, but are still low when compared relative to the mention of employees/ people. Therefore, the dominant category in reporting is employees/people. 2017 carries the most disclosures presenting a trend of increased disclosures. In most of the reports, word numbers in the content, varies between a little more than 1000 words and less than 2500 words. The paragraph disclosures range anywhere from 20+ paragraphs to a little less than 50. Environment based disclosures are a little higher at 50 and above, with employee/people occupying the second place. Target and community categories are still comparatively low when the number of paragraphs based assessment is done. However, the assessment reveals that when compared across the years, goal setting behaviour has improved over the year highlighting 2017 as having the most disclosures.




