


从1980年开始,生活水平有了很大的提高,这导致了中国人民生活方式的提高。然而,与此同时,关于中国医疗保健的负面评论也在增加(Chan et al, 2008)。关于医疗保健问题一直有很大的关注和批评(Bai, 2004)。文献报道,医疗保健被发现是低效的。其护理质量较差,高度集中于药物和高科技护理,公共卫生不足。有许多因素可以被认为是造成这一问题的原因。一些文献表明,这样做是为了鼓励私营部门和公共部门在社会中进行越来越多的竞争。除此之外,还有其他一些因素支持政府更严格的控制。此外,一些人也认为竞争和所有权是最不重要的问题,这是医疗系统的一部分。

人们普遍认为医疗保健有了很大的改善。医疗条件差的最重要因素之一是大多数较低水平的医疗设施缺乏合格的工作人员。另一个原因是中国农村的医疗培训很差。人们发现这个村子里大约有70%的医生。他们是受过高中以上教育的人。更重要的是,它观察到20%的医学培训(Bloom et al, 2000)。此外,糟糕的处方药物是另一个原因的穷人的医疗保健。过度使用外科手术也被发现是更加明显的。我们发现,在中国的很多地区,外科手术的数量都很高。医生们做了越来越多的手术,即使可以用其他方法来治疗。除此之外,有证据表明,医生和医疗中心有越来越多的受益意识(Cai et al, 1998)。


From 1980, there has been a great progress in the standard of living, which leads to the increase in the lifestyle of the people of China. However, at the same time, there has been an increase in the number of negative comments with respect to the healthcare in China (Chan et al, 2008). There has been great concern and criticism over the issue of health care (Bai, 2004). It has been reported by the literature that the healthcare has been found to be inefficient. It has been prone to care of poor quality which is highly focused on drugs and high-tech care and insufficiency in the public health. There are a large number of factors which may be considered to be responsible for the issue. It has been suggested by some of the literature that this is done in order to encourage more and more competition in society between the private and the public sectors. In addition to this, there are other factors arguing for the firmer control by the government. Besides, it is also argued by some of the people that the competition and ownership are some of the least important issues which are the part of the healthcare systems.

It had been widely accepted that there is a lot of improvement in the health care. One of the most important factors of poor healthcare is the shortage of qualified staff members in most of the lower level facilities. Another reason is the poor medical training in the Chinese village. It was found that there were around 70 % of the total doctors in the village. They are the ones who had the education more than a high school. What’s more, it was observed 20 % of the medical training (Bloom et al, 2000). Also the poor prescription of the drugs is another reason for the poor healthcare. Over use of surgery has also been found to be more and evident. It has been found that there were a number of areas in China where there is high number of surgeries. Doctors go for more and more surgeries even if the treatment can be done by other solutions. In addition to this, there is evidence that the doctors and health care centers are having more and more beneficiary perceptions (Cai et al, 1998).



