




In the end, the golden ornate structure is found to be lifting of allowing decaying of the picture. Artist enables the viewers to transcend to another dimension. The onlookers are enticed by the beauty and decay of the paintings. It adds a lot of depth to the painting. For the creation of this artwork, Hagerty has used common elements like foam, paper and wood. By imitating some of the structural features of the original design, the artist has praised the work by Albert Bierstadt. At the same time, the artist has also added individual taste on the painting. The brilliance of Albert Bierstadt is shown in the painting as well as the waning popularity by the depiction of colors. Essentially decaying colors of browns and shadows of the paintings have been shown towards the end in order to let the viewers know that the popular art form has been reduced once upon a time. The artist has used an interesting mix of colors and shadows to establish individual emotions. This shows the artist’s innovative skills and design. The artist has used simple medium in order to show intricate art detailing, which shows the skill level of the artist. There is pessimism and also a mythical element in the art. This draws the viewers to the painting.
There is also realism portrayed in the artwork. This shows how the viewers essentially see the current state of affairs of the artwork. There is a decaying motion in the landscape painting. The element that has been copied from Albert Bierstadt shows the skill of the artist. By showing the decaying feature with intricate detailing, there is the artist vehemence that can be seen. This rhetoric of decaying and waning popularity of a once popular art form can be applied to many traditional paintings. The artists have been able to successfully communicate all these factors and elements to the audience. Placing the art adjacent to the original creator of the artwork shows the interesting feature of this art. In conclusion, Valeria Hagerty by drawing inspiration from Albert Bierstadt has successfully portrayed a number of elements. Artist has been able to show the intricate individual skill, innovation, and realism of the art. There is also a mythical element that is presented in the artwork. This makes this art form truly special and unique. This artwork deserves accolades and admiration.



