


文学资料来源包括期刊、书籍和政府网站,它们将提供准确的数字,并有助于更好的统计评估(EPA, 2012)。这些都为下一步的研究奠定了基础。调查结果已用于执行进程。在文献综述后,我们采用了混合研究方法,在不同的情况下进行了调查、文献来源、访谈和抽样。进行调查是为了估计人们对环境问题的认识。本署已与废物管理委员会高层管理人员及其他政府相关人员进行访问,了解有关的守则及程序,以杜绝这类问题。进行抽样以了解其有效性。如前所述,定性和定量研究方法有助于产生更好的环境设计。通过仿真,对复杂问题进行了研究。仿真结果表明,该方法对系统的缺陷有较好的改善作用。


These problems are found to create ambiguity and uncertainty in the results. The major stakeholders in this project are building managers, private certifiers, waste management council members, developers, waste collection service provider and wider community. To address the issues, a specification report is prepared that will list specification and also list the roles and responsibilities of every stakeholder. By this way, the likelihood of problems is solved. We also ensured that a risk manager is available at the place to continuously track the changes in risk matrix and ensure the likelihood is less. For this research and design project, proper information was collected through various sources. Literature review has been done in prior to know about the current waste management systems and the position of the country in terms of exposure to landfills and soil degradation problems.
The literary sources included journals, books and government websites that will give the exact figures and help in better statistical evaluation (EPA, 2012). All these form the primary basis for the research to step into the next level. The findings have been used for the implementation process. After the literature review, we carried out mixed research methods under which survey, literary sources, interview and sampling were all performed at various instances. Survey was performed to estimate the awareness of people about environmental issues. Interview was done with the top management of waste management council and other government associated members to know about the codes and procedures that are applicable to eradicate the issue. Sampling was done to know the effectiveness. As already mentioned, the qualitative and quantitative research methods helped to produce a better design for the environment. The complex problems have also been investigated after application of identified solution by means of simulation. This simulation has given better results on the flaws in the system that will help for improvement.



