

本篇文章主要讲述的是仓库组是预算编制的重要组成部分,内部和外部问题都与仓库组有关,仓库组是预算编制过程中的重要组成部分。决定预算的最重要的外部因素之一是资本要求。该公司目前在新西兰拥有约300家门店。但是仓库组需要确保公司的库存应该增加。因此,资本需求是一个可能影响公司预算的重大外部问题。客户提成是影响预算的另一个因素。组织需要确保不断获得客户的信任(Hollensen et al, 2013)。本篇英国传播学论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Both internal and external issues are related to the Warehouse group which forms an important part in the process of budgeting. One of the most important external factors deciding the budget is the capital requirements. The company at present consists of around 300 stores in New Zealand. But the warehouse group needs to ensure that there should be an increase in the stores of the company. Capital requirement thus is a major external issue which may affect the budget of the company. Customer royalty is another factor which may have an impact on the budget. The organization needs to ensure that it keeps on gaining the trust of the customers (Hollensen et al, 2013).
It is also important for the company to have a better return policy. Another important external factor is the buyer volume. More is the buyer volume, higher is the value of the profits for the company. Some of the common internal issue which may impact the budget is strength of the employees. The organization needs to ensure that the strength of the employees is suitable enough to take care of the people. It is an important factor for consideration of the budget. In the new stores which would be created, around 500 employees will be required for all the employees. In addition to this, the company needs to ensure that the products should be good enough. Poor quality products may impose a serious challenge to the growth of the company.
Emergency situations in marketing may be important to be identified. It is important to do the identification of the sources of uncertainty. It is important as it helps to identify the events which may involve a significant risk. The emergency situation may include the risk of the loss of some of the key employees who held an important position in business. Another emergency may occur whenever there is a failure in the centralized network system. Failure of the network system will be a fatal blow to the marketing operations of the company. Marketing risk can also include some of the immediate legal actions which may be taken by the company in order to access the marketing performance of the company.
The company needs to understand and access the risk with the marketing. The emergencies which arise from the retailer will have a bad impact as this will directly impact the profits. Because of the emergency in the retail sector, the products of the company would sell at a very less rate and it will directly have an impact on the organization. When there will be a decrease in the supplies, the products will not be able to meet the demands of the consumers and it will again have an impact on the profits (Chernev et al, 2015).




