


This study will take into account the manner in which Tyler Shultz whistle blew the proceedings of the business. It will highlight the fact that while Shultz decoded all the private information of the business, the members or the employees of the organization remained quiet about the reaction. No reaction or response of the other employees was observed. This study will focus on the matter whether Shultz was compelled to whistle blow the decisions and the proceedings of the business or his organizational commitment made him do so. This study will make effective use of certain ethical theories in order to justify the act of behavior and the manner in which the ethical theories will be used in terms of analyzing the position of the organization.
Lastly, in terms of the ethics versus law, it can be put forth that law is defined as a systematic body of rules whereas ethics is a branch of a moral philosophy which helps in guiding people about the conduct of the human (Huxtable, 2013). Laws are in the form of a set of rules and regulations whereas ethics are a set of guidelines. Hence, in order for Tyler to maintain the ethicality of the business, he has definitely abide by the set of guidelines, but in terms of the laws, it can be put forth that he broke the contract and went against it by exposing the confidential data and information.
It can be concluded that Tyler Shultz decided to whistleblow the information of the company because he not only wanted to protect the health of the patients but also to maintain the reputation of his grandfather. Tyler wanted his grandfather to know the trading secrets of Theranos. Although Tyler was not morally required to whistle blow, but he thought that it is the correct time to expose the company. With the help of three ethical theories Deontology, Utilitarianism and Ethics versus Law, the actions of Tyler have been justified.




