

本篇主要讲述的是文章产生的影响,通过这篇文章所产生的影响是积极的,因为它强调了创意媒体作品受到较少关注的重要性以及它们之间的相对关系。这进一步导致了电影制作中的合作或参与项目。基于参与的文化是一种关于文化的新逻辑框架,其中私有化的个人不仅作为顾客,而且作为生产者或贡献者(Telo, 2013)。本篇英国传媒学论文代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The impact made through this article was a positive one in the sense that it highlighted the significance for creative media productions receiving less focus and the relative relationship between these. This further leads towards collaborative or participatory projects in film productions. Participation based culture is a neo-logical framework developed with regard to culture wherein privatized individuals are not acting as customers only but also as those who produce or contribute (Telo, 2013).
The article adds towards future based learning with regard to participatory culture and its significance in producing media practices commonly via web. The article has formed the base to the perspective that such a new culture is related to the web and it makes people respond in a creative manner to electronic signals plethora and commodities of culture in several ways to surprise those producing them.
This article furthermore has focused attention on future based research over participatory creative projects and media practices related barriers that in turn limit civic engagement and artistic based expression. As this domain involves strong support to create and share individual creations with each other, there still exists a need to develop an informal mentor relationship that is known through the highly experienced and is passed over to beginners.
Furthermore, the article has influenced the way in which mass media and civic engagement can be viewed. Participatory creative projects have been hailed through few reformers as a manner of reforming communicativeness and enhancing media quality (Telo, 2013). One of the most common reasons for participatory cultures emergence is the increase in media resources availability that further give rise to the enhanced competitiveness between outlets for media. Media producers are forced at paying higher attention to customer needs who have the ability of turning to other information sources.




