


每个社会都有不同时期的成人礼,但它们不仅在文化上是不同的,在特定的文化中也随着时间的推移而不同。他们最终会随着社会的变化而改变,而这种看法是传统的。这些似乎都不是永恒的。成人礼在前现代社会和现代社会中都很常见。当考虑到西方文化的情景时,它们最终会随着时间而增长。随着戏剧表演的开始,这篇文章有很强的脚本性。这是一个改变发生在生活的每一个方面,影响群体之间和跨群体关系的时刻。派的救生筏是用来扫除的。这象征着天堂的丧失和物质自然财产的丧失。理查德·帕克的高角度镜头描绘了象征着勇敢和少年派原始个性的老虎被吓到了。派在船上的整个过程中必须面对的其他困难(Garpelin 121)强调了长期受苦的性质。大多数情况下,成人礼只是确认或庆祝生命的过渡,而这种过渡已经通过一个人获得,并通过几个稳步发展的时刻来完成。
当行为发生变化时,认知的变化有重要的方向。仪式有三部分结构,首先将主要人物与整体的前一种状态分开。这种成就可以通过改变行为、地点或衣着来实现。再往前走,就会接近一个阈限时刻,在这个时刻,个人似乎达到了一种过渡状态。每一种生物都有一种特定程度的疯狂,以一种无法解释和奇怪的方式移动着。这种特别的疯狂行为似乎节省了时间,部分原因在于适应能力。没有它,任何物种都无法生存。在电影中,当鬣狗咬掉斑马的腿时,皮有一种强烈的仇恨感。他有杀死斑马的强烈愿望,却忽视了这个想法。当他从宗教的角度考虑他的选择时,他的立场面临着巨大的挑战。这为灵性提供了证据。在他的童年早期,他的父亲给他介绍了许多不同的动物。在整部电影中,与野生动物生活在一起成为一种必要。西方社会和当代社会未能解释儿童向成年的转变(Mandich 585)。


Rites of passage can be found in each and every society across different periods, but they are different not only in terms of culture but with time in a specific culture. They end up changing with the change of societies, while there perception is traditional. By no means, these appear to be timeless. Rites of passage can be considered common across pre-modern and modern societies. When considering the scenario of Western culture, they have ended up increasing with time. There is strong scripting of this passage with the initiation of dramatic performance. This is an occasion when changes take place in each and every dimension of life, affecting relationships among and across groups. The life raft of Pi is made to sweep away. This symbolizes the haven loss and loss of possessions of material nature. Richard Parker’s higher angle shot depict that the tiger who symbolizes bravery and primitive individuality of Pi is scared. The prolonged suffering nature is emphasized from the other difficulties that Pi has to face throughout the course of his presence on the boat (Garpelin 121). More often passage rites only result in confirming or celebrating the transition of life which has already been gained through a person and has been accomplished through several moment of progress occurring steadily and developmentally.
There are significant directions provided for the change of perceptions, as changes take place in behavior. There is a tripartite structure of the rite, initiated by separating the main characters with the overall former status. The accomplishment can be achieved by changing behavior, locality or clothing. Further ahead, there approaches a liminal moment in which the individual seems to achieve a transitional state.Each and every living thing consists of a specific level of madness moving across inexplicable and strange ways. This particular madness appears to save time, partially regarding the ability of adaptation. In its absence, there cannot be survival of any species. In the movie, when hyena ends up biting off the leg of zebra, Pi has a great sense of hatred. He has a strong will of killing the zebra but ignores the thought. When considering his choices from religious perspectives, he faced significant challenges in taking the stand. This provides evidence for spirituality. During his early childhood, his father introduced him to a number of different animals. Throughout the movie, it becomes a necessity to live with a wild animal. The western and contemporary society fails in explaining the transition of a child into his or her adulthood (Mandich 585).



