



中国的建设和填海工程具有法律、外交和行动性质的影响。中国坚持认为,这些工作是针对必要的军事防御,但这些计划有能力影响美国在亚太的战略。外交进程因可能存在的海洋权利争端而变得复杂。然而,中国坚持对这些岛礁拥有主权,这一行动是合法的。中国认为这是合理的,因为菲律宾、马来西亚、台湾和越南填海造岛,越南占地比中国多,其他国家建设基地部队和机场(Lunn & Lang, 2017)。包括美国政府在内的观察人士认为,中国填海造地的努力令其他国家相形见绌,不符合《2002年南海各方行为宣言》(Declaration of Conduct of South China Sea)。

China has attempted to defend the undertaken construction of the artificial islands saying it has done what the other claimant states have done. The Chinese in order to claim indisputable sovereignty has built and fortified seven rocks and low tide elevations along with 3km long airfields and two dozen hangers. These facilities have the capability of housing bombers, jet fighters, aerial refuel tankers and warfare aircraft. Further, China has constructed missile systems and anti – aircraft guns. This has been inferred by the US government as initiatives for strengthening maritime based territorial claims with the use of coercion, threat and actions that are not direct conflict in nature (Lu, 2017).

The construction and reclamation done by the Chinese has implications that are legal, diplomatic and operational in nature. China maintains that the work is directed towards the required military defence, however, these plans have the ability of affecting the strategy of the US in Asia Pacific. Diplomatic processes have been complicated by the activities with probable dispute over rights to maritime. However, China maintains that sovereignty is held over the features and the action is legal. This is justified by the Chinese as Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam have reclaimed land with Vietnam having occupied more features than China and other nations constructing based troops and airstrips (Lunn & Lang, 2017). Observers including the US government have argues that the reclamation efforts of China dwarfs the other nations and is not consistent with the Declaration 2002 of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.




