


在这个案例中,主要的利益相关者是Elsie Lee(患者)和该机构的卫生保健专业人员。包括护理人员和医院的注册护士。护士在整个过程中都在处理她,只有当她出现胸痛并决定将她送往医院时,护理人员才会处理她。在Elsie Lee的案例中,她已被收住在护理机构,在护士和护理人员决定将她从护理机构转移到医院后,很快就发现她已经死亡,这涉及到许多伦理和法律冲突。在本节中,将阐述利益相关者的权利以及由于他们的行动而产生的冲突。同时也考虑职业行为准则,指出道德和伦理方面的违规行为以及应遵循的相应准则(Kamp, 2012)。在RN的情况下,当必须做出特定的决定时,利益相关者有责任坚持美德和道德理论,如义务论。
患者已经要求设施团队不要将她转移到任何其他地方(Hieda, 2012)。虽然她已出现胸痛,需要立即接受药物治疗,但注册护士有责任在她搬离前征得她的同意。义务论适用于RN。根据这一理论,它坚持让人根据行为所涉及的道德来判断(Hooker, 2012)。基于规则的伦理原则还强调,行为必须遵守前面的规则集。埃尔西显然坚持不改变她的位置,这是她进入这家机构时的规定。在这种情况下,RN没有遵守病人提出的规则,反而出于未知的目的违反了道德。这不仅使接管人处于危险之中,还表明RN没有正确履行职责(Henningfeld, 2011)。道德完全丧失,决策能力也因此丧失。


The major stakeholders in this case are Elsie Lee (the patient) and the healthcare professionals at the facility. Those include paramedic and the RN at facility. RN deals with her throughout the case and the paramedics’ deals with her only when she developed chest pain and was decided to move her to the hospital. In this case of Elsie Lee, who has been admitted in the care facility, there are numerous ethical and legal conflicts involved as the patient is found to be dead soon, after the decision is made by RN and paramedics to move to hospital from the care facility. In this section, the rights of stakeholders and the conflicts that are developed as a result of their actions are developed. Professional codes of conduct are also taken into consideration for reference to point out the breaches and the corresponding code that should be followed under the aspects of morality and ethics (Kamp, 2012). In the case of RN, it is the responsibility of this stakeholder to adhere to virtues and ethical theories such as deontology when a specific decision has to be taken.
The patient has already requested the facility team not to move her to any other place (Hieda, 2012). Although she has developed chest pain and would be in need of immediate medication or treatment, it is the responsibility of RN to take consent from her before she is moved. Deontology is applicable to RN. According to this theory, it insists the person to judge based on the morality involved in action (Hooker, 2012). The rule based ethical principle also highlights that the action has to abide to the rule set in prior. Elsie has clearly insisted not to change her place and this was the rule when she was admitted into this facility. In such a case, RN has failed to abide by the rule put forth by patient and instead, breached the morality for an unknown purpose. This has not only put the receiver in stake, but also shows that RN has not performed the duty properly (Henningfeld, 2011). Morality is totally lost and due to this action, the decision making ability is also lost.



