


每隔一天,就会有一些人站起来向高级官员表达他们的不满,导致整条道路陷入停顿。近日,2016年3月22日,印度尼西亚陆上交通司机协会约1万名成员举行了一场抗议活动,抗议优步和Grab等打车应用大幅降低了城市交通收入(NYtimes, 2016)。抗议忽视了不得不等两个小时的乘客。同样,Jakarta-Bandung高速列车项目也面临着悲观反应一定的环保团体的借口下,它将加速通过更换稻田生态损害赔偿,花园和与现代豪华公寓住宅,工业地产、铁路等特征表明,如果官员计划遏制交通问题,改善公共交通通过引入新服务,如在线应用程序,这一举措可能不会受到运输工会和其他利益相关者的欢迎,他们反复的抗议可能会导致比平常更严重的交通堵塞。


Every other day, some group stands up to take their grievances to the high officials, bringing the entire thoroughfare to a halt. Recently, on March 22, 2016, around 10,000 members of Indonesian Land transportation drivers association staged a protest against ride-hailing apps such as Uber and Grab as they have dramatically reduced city transport income (NYtimes, 2016). The protest neglected passengers who had to wait for two hours. Similarly, Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train project also faced the pessimistic response by certain environmental groups under the pretext that, it will speed up ecological damages by replacing rice fields, gardens and residences with modern luxury apartments, industrial estates, railway tracks etc.This shows that if the officials plan to curb the traffic issues and improve the public transportation by introducing new services like online apps, that step might not be hailed by the transport labor unions and other stakeholders and their recurrent protests may result in even worse traffic jams than the routine ones.
The first and the foremost political step that could be taken by the concerned officials to resolve traffic problems in Jakarta is to curtail the private transport by not only developing but also maintaining the well-knitted public transportation system. Although TransJakarta, when introduced was one of its kinds of transportation system, the non-maintenance of the vehicles such as wrecked doors, empty fire hydrant boxes and unclean buses has put the public off that system, leading them to use private modes of transport, hence resulting in traffic congestion. Besides, the concrete separators of the lanes of TransJakarta are only 15 cm tall which can easily be crossed by the motorists, hence they enter into the bus lanes, blocking the lanes.The government has already taken this step into consideration and has begun Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project in Jakarta, which is currently under construction and is expected to be fully completed by 2027. The concept of MRT was under consideration for 40 years; however, the lack of political will was impeding its implementation.



