

本文主要讲的是马诺鲁奇战略,有些选择排除了其他选择。并非所有现存的马诺鲁奇战略都需要改变。在最初的战略中有一些主要的元素被排除在外,例如,考虑“制造计划和控制”系统。MPC对于一个公司来说是至关重要的,因为它使公司能够在更中心的层面上负责其制造的所有方面(Applegateet al., 2009)。这是马诺鲁奇目前所缺少的。通过实施这种形式的计划和控制,Manolucci将有可能确保它能够很好地协调不同的利益相关者。本篇英国代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Some options have been chosen to the exclusion of others. Not all existing strategy of Manolucci needs change. There are some major elements that were excluded in the original strategy, for instance, considering the “Manufacturing Planning and Control” System. The MPC is critical to a company as it enables the company to be in charge of all aspects of its manufacturing at a more central level (Applegateet al., 2009).This is missing with Manolucci at the moment. By implementing this form of planning and control, it will be possible for Manolucci to ensure that it can coordinate across different stakeholder’s well.
Comparison of Proposed Strategy with Deduced Existing Strategy
In the existing strategy, a batch manufacturing process and a shop process are both recommended. It is recommended that Manolucci retain its existing shop process but also invest in a batch manufacturing process in order to meet the future needs.
There are many functional units missing in the current structure of Manolucci, such as a clerical division, a quality assurance division, a liaison with client divisions and more. If Manolucci is looking to expand, then it would need to have such functional units in future.
As the numbers of functional units grow, then Manolucci will have to invest in a hierarchy system of organization, rather than the flat structure it has at present.
A just in time inventory system is recommended for the organization
Implementation/ Communication Issues
The strategy that has been developed would be successful only if the implementation process involves all employees of Manolucci. To this extent, Manolucci should:
Create an all employee inclusive policy in the workplace where all employees would be able to comment on the process and changes being implemented.
Ensure that there is both top to bottom level communication as well as bottom to top level communication at the site in order to find out if the strategy meets the purpose. Research studies indicate that sometimes employees at different levels might not understand the strategic advantage of a policy. In such cases, it is critical that the management educate the employees on the changes.
Implementation issues mainly arise because of improper stakeholder communication. It is not just employees but also the clients of Manolucci who need to be updated on the strategic changes of the manufacturing units.




