
英国 代写:人权与住房之间的关系

英国 代写:人权与住房之间的关系

适当性质的住房对人的个人尊严、安全和他或她的包容是重要的。充足的住房使个人有能力为邻里结构作出贡献。如果没有足够的住房,人们往往不可能获得和维持他们的就业,以便从残疾或精神疾病中康复,从而使他们能够融入不同的社区,逃避情感或身体暴力,或保持儿童的监护(Skelton, I。, Cooper, S。,2011)。根据多伦多基督教资源中心的说法,每个人都有自己的床,有自己的屋顶,还有一个房间,在那里每个人和他的物品都是安全的。大多数人想当然地认为他们住在足够的房子里,有负担得起的住房。问题在于,对大多数加拿大人以及安大略的不同租户来说,情况并非如此。, Cooper, S。,2011)。

英国 代写:人权与住房之间的关系
人权和住房之间的关系受到《住房提供者和承租公司提交的守则》的保护。目前的省房租赁制度需要在当前统计数据的重点下进行考虑和评估:2010年,加拿大境外出生的加拿大总人口中有20%的人母语为英语或法语,这一比例较2001年的67.5%有所上升。安大略是目前移民的首选地区,在过去5年中,每有55%以上的新移民来到这里。总体而言,大约10%的总人口的税后收入低于平均水平。根据加拿大的统计数据,这低于低收入水平。, Cooper, S。,2011)。全球公约不仅仅是考虑出租住房及其规范的背景背景部分。它们是理解安大略省最脆弱租户权利的核心。因此,审议了基本的全球义务和联合国各委员会的建议,以确保有足够的住房和负担能力。

英国 代写:人权与住房之间的关系

Housing of adequate nature is important for a person’s individual dignity, his safety and his or her inclusion. Adequate housing allows an individual the ability of contributing to the neighbourhood fabric. Without adequate houses, often it is not possible for people to obtain and sustain their employment for recovering from disabilities or mental illnesses causing to integrate across communities and escape emotion or physical violence or keep children’s custody (Skelton, I., and Cooper, S., 2011). According to Christian Resource Centre of Toronto, there is a right of people towards shelter with individual bed given to each person, a roof on their head along with a right to a room where a person and his belongings are safe. Most individuals take it for granted that they live in adequate homes and they have affordable roof over their head. The issue lies in the fact that is not the real picture for most Canadians and various tenants in Ontario (Skelton, I., and Cooper, S., 2011).

英国 代写:人权与住房之间的关系
The relationship between human rights and housing is protected under the code that was brought out in housing providers and tenant firms submissions. The current rental provincial housing system requires consideration and evaluation under the highlight of present statistics: In the year 2010, 20 percent of total Canadian population born external to Canada for whom 70 percent had English or French mother tongue depicting an increase from 2001, which was at 67.5 percent.Ontario is the region of selection for current immigrants having more than 55 percent of every new settling arrival here over the previous 5 years. Generally around total population of 10 percent had an income below after-tax. This was below the low income cut off as per Statistics of Canada (Skelton, I., and Cooper, S., 2011).Global conventions are not simply background context parts for rental housing consideration and its code. They are inner to the understanding of most vulnerable tenant’s rights for Ontario. For such reasons, essential global obligations and United Nations committees recommendations are considered in order to ensure adequate housing and affordability.



