


职业体育产业是一个亿万富翁产业,每年以数十亿美元的速度增长。联盟运行的网站和球队只增加了专业体育收入流(Karcher, 2009)。根据加拿大cbc体育发表的一篇文章,来自加拿大专业人士的体育联盟报告称,球队的收入为22亿美元。这个数字在美国要高得多。那些真正帮助填满体育场的运动员,那些真正把球迷吸引到他们的收音机、电脑、电视上,并为他们赞助的组织出售服装的运动员,实际上应该从总利润中获得250亿到350亿美元的削减。然而,事实并非如此。根据该杂志,如今,NFL球员的平均年薪为70万美元(Berri et al, 2015)。从任何经济体的角度来看,这都是一大笔钱。但是,从职业运动员的收入来看,很明显,他们付出的努力并没有得到相应的报酬。

例如,职业足球运动员每周在练习、学习、比赛和锻炼上花费的时间超过50到60个小时。每次他们去工作,他们的职业生涯也会越过边界。密尔沃基雄鹿队球员2010-2011年的平均工资为260万美元(Berri et al, 2015)。尽管密尔沃基buc那个赛季收入没有可用的公开和还没有,人们普遍认为研究人员如理查森(2010),大多数团队从NBA提出每年200 – 300美元收入的玩家只能获得2%的份额。运动员收入低的第一个原因是运动员的职业生涯面临重重困难,这使得我们有理由认为,运动员应该能够挣到一大笔钱。人们经常忽略的是,当今世界上的大多数孩子永远无法成为埃米特·史密斯(Emitt Smith)或迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)那样的人,因为对于任何职业运动员在整个职业生涯中付出的所有努力来说,最终的奖励都是不够的(Berri et al, 2015)。


The industry of professional sports is a billionaire industry and is growing at a multi-billion dollar rate annually. League run websites and teams have added only to the professional sports revenue streams (Karcher, 2009). As per an article published by cbc sports, Canada, sports leagues from Canadian professionals report to have 2.2 billion dollars in the revenue of team. This number is much enhanced in United States. Those athletes who actually help in filling the stadiums, who actually attract fans to their radios, computers, TVs and sell apparels for organizations that they sponsor, are the ones who should actually obtain 25-35 billion dollar cut from the total profit made. However, this is not the case. As per the magazine, U.S Today, the player’s median salaries across NFL are 700,000 dollars each year (Berri et al, 2015). This is a large amount when considered from any economies perspective. But when looking at the perspective in which professional athletes earn their income, it is evident that they are not paid for the amount of effort that they put in. Professional football players, for example, put in more than 50 to 60 hours each week for practicing, studying, game time and working out.

Their careers are also put over the boundary every time they go for work. The average salary, in the year 2010-2011 for Milwaukee Bucks player, was set at 2,600,000 dollars (Berri et al, 2015). Even though the Milwaukee Bucs revenue in that season was not available publicly and is still not, it is widely believed by researchers such as Richardson (2010), that most teams from NBA bring forward 200-300 million dollar revenues each year out of which the player could get a share of 2 percent only. The first reason why athletes are underpaid is due to the stacked odds against the career of athlete, which makes it reasonable to think that those making it should be able to draw a big amount. What is often missed is that most of the children in the world today are never able to become like Emitt Smith or Michael Jordan, because the end reward is just not enough for all the efforts put in throughout the career of any professional athlete (Berri et al, 2015).



