

本文讲的是自动化和环保,跨电网、AGL、特斯拉等市场代表联盟与联邦政府共同参与为整个社会提供环境保护保障的方案(Climate Works Australian, 2016)。在这些协调行动的背景下,政府还促进了公共交通的使用,步行,并尽可能使用像自行车这样的无燃料交通工具。在此背景下,这个商业提案提出了一个完全自动化和环保友好的自行车停放系统的想法。本篇英国代写文章由英国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A coalition of representatives in the market such as Trans Grid, AGL, Tesla, etc. are involved with the Federal Government over the environmental protection scenario that can be guaranteed for society in general (Climate Works Australian, 2016). In the context of these coordinated moves, the Government has also promoted the use of public transportation, walking, and the use of fuel free forms of transport like the bicycle where possible. In this context, this business proposal presents an idea for a fully automated and ecofriendly bicycle parking system.
There will be many underground parking divisions created in Sydney. The sales volume in terms of the number of parking spaces sold within a parking division would show the success of that division. Similarly, for every parking division, the number of divisions that are completely booked would also be used as a metric. This metric would be useful for understanding how many customers are satisfied and will continue to renew or register for new services. Customer loyalty and future profitability can also be measured by means of customer satisfaction.
The bicycle is a very convenient mode of transportation. It has already been adopted in a very large scale by university communities. Countries like Japan and China that are beset with people problems and emission control seem to have already made the move to use bicycles. Some states and countries hesitate and one of the main reasons for the hesitation in adopting bicycles as a main stream mode of transportation is that of parking. Be it the parking of two wheelers or the bicycles, there are always issues in parking in congested cities. The proposal presents an idea for an automated bicycle parking system. The automated bicycle parking system will be a huge step forward when it comes to cleaning and clearing the roads.




