


提供这类服务和商品的公司通常会获得特许经营权和许可证,以防止竞争(Naghi, 2007)。监管权限允许组织在受保护的市场平台内设定超出平均成本的价格,以覆盖目标社区内的损失。在这种特定的方式下,业务组织被允许以合理的比率获得并确实保证总体回报。从批判的角度来看,公共利益理论与公共选择理论之间存在着较大的反差。公共选择理论可以被认为是与政府的动机和行为相关的高度愤世嫉俗的理论,同时认为监管具有社会低效率。此外,根据Stigler的观点,可以通过现有组织捕获监管,以保护市场,使新的竞争者无法进入市场(Stewart, 2014)。一些批评人士认为,当公众最终要求提高拨款效率时,这种情况就会发生。


请注意对你缺乏引文来源的评论。经济利益集团理论认为,管制是由需求和供给力量驱动的政策组合。政府在供给侧,利益集团在需求侧。该理论认为,产业中存在着规制的发展,规制的核心目标是为相关产业创造利益。该理论的建立是在1971年综合考虑了经济调节理论和芝加哥政府理论的基础上进行的。这些规定也在运行,似乎没有外部机制的参与(Hanan, 2009)。根据这一主张,政府一直允许行业的利益相关者团体在涉及影响经济的每一个部门的决策的经济事务中发挥关键作用。这一理论的关键建议是,政府决策中的代表性群体必须具有较小的规模,以减少运行费用。在未来,生产者可能会考虑自己的组织与消费者相比准备更充分(Naghi, 2007)。


Companies providing these types of services and goods are often provided with franchises and licenses for the prevention of competition (Naghi, 2007). The authority of regulation allows organizations for setting prices beyond the average cost set within the protected market platform for coverage of losses within the community of target. In this specific manner, the business organizations are allowed for earning and indeed guaranteeing an overall return at reasonable rate. Considering its criticism, there is mostly a contrasting of the public interest theory with public choice theory. The public choice theory can be considered as highly cynical related to the motives and behaviours of the government, while seeing regulation to have social inefficiency. In addition, as per Stigler, there can be capturing of regulation through incumbent organizations for protecting the market such that new competitors are not able to enter it (Stewart, 2014). It is the belief of several critics that this will be taking place when the public ends up demand a better efficiency of allocations.

Please note comments about your lack of citation of sources.The economic interest group theory mentions that regulations are a combination of policies driven out of the forces of demand and supply. There is placement of the government on the side of supply while the interest groups are on the side of demand. The theory mentions that there is development of regulation through the industry, and that the key goal of regulations is for creating benefits to the concerning industry. The establishment of this theory took place in the year 1971 by the consideration of economic theory of regulation and Chicago theory of government. These regulations are also operated and there seems to be no involvement of external mechanisms (Hanan, 2009). Under this claim, the government has been allowing the stakeholder groups of the industry for having key participation in the economic matters in concern with decision making that impact each and every sector of the economy. The key suggestion of this theory is that the representative groups within the decision making of government have to be of small size for the reduction of running expenses. Further ahead, producers may consider the organization of themselves with more readiness in comparison with the consumers (Naghi, 2007).



