
英国 essay 代 写:房价与地段

英国 essay 代 写:房价与地段

数据来自Zillow 2016年11月7日的数据库。由于Nordstorm办公室位于西雅图,所以选择的邮政编码是基于它们与工作区域的距离。在所有方便员工使用的场所中,随机选择了5个邮编。这些邮政编码包括98004、98005、98040、98125和98166.98004对应贝尔维尤市中心,距离购物中心、高速公路和交通中心只有几分钟的路程。98006也是Bellevue,可以更好地访问190和405。这个地区的居民主要属于中上收入阶层。98040是美世岛豪华地段的邮政编码,98125属于西雅图市中心,由于该地区交通繁忙,不适合Nordstorm Bellevue员工居住。98166就在Sea-Tac机场旁边,但是离市中心很远。对于在西雅图和贝尔维尤工作的人来说,所有这些街区都很方便。这些房产是从最近售出的单户住宅中随机挑选出来的。
表1给出了合并数据的描述性统计,表2 – 6给出了每个邮政编码的描述性统计。总共有60所房子是随机选择的。其中邮政编码98004、98006 11个,98040 10个,98125 15个,98166 13个。该批住宅的平均面积为2888平方英尺,平均地段面积为11196平方英尺,平均售价为717500美元。平均卧室数为4间,浴室数为3间。样本房屋的平均年龄为46岁。

英国 essay 代 写:房价与地段

The data is collected from the Zillow’s database on November 7, 2016. Since the Nordstorm office is located in Seattle, the zip codes are selected based on their proximity to the work area. Of all the places convenient for the employees, five zip-codes are selected at random. These zip codes include 98004, 98005, 98040, 98125, and 98166.98004 corresponds to downtown Bellevue just minutes away from malls, highways and transit centres. 98006 is also Bellevue with better access to 190 and 405. The residents in this area largely belong to the middle and upper income groups. 98040 is the zip code of the posh locality of Mercer Island. 98125 belongs to downtown Seattle, not the best area for Nordstorm Bellevue employees owing to high traffic in the area. 98166 is right next to Sea-Tac airport but far from downtown. All these neighbourhoods are convenient for those who work in Seattle and Bellevue. The properties were selected at random from the pool of recently sold single family housings.
The price variable used here is the price at which the property was sold, the variables bedrooms and bathrooms refer to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the house, houseft2 and lotft2 correspond to the area of the house and the lot in square feet. The variable yearbuilt is the year the house was built in which is used to obtain the age of the house in 2015 (age2015). The zip codes are used to obtain the dummy variables.
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the combined data while table 2 to 6 show the same for each of the zip codes. A total of 60 houses are selected at random. Of these, 11 belong to zip code 98004 and 98006, 10 belong to 98040, 15 belong to 98125 and 13 belong to 98166. The median price of the houses is USD717500 for an average house area of 2888 square foot and the average lot area of 11196 square foot. The average number of bedrooms is 4 while the average number of bathrooms is 3. The average age of the houses in the sample is 46 years.



