


在20世纪50年代至70年代初,出现了三种常见的经济学理论,即有效市场假说(EMH)、Miller- Modigliani无关命题和资本资产定价模型。正如Kraakman和Gilson(2003)所述,这些理论被认为拥有共同的方法论,并且建立在关于完美市场的广泛假设组合的基础上(Flifel 2012)。而且,这些理论都是由无交易成本、完全信息和理性投资者的假设提炼出来的。资本市场所能感知到的基本作用是资本的有效配置。当考虑一个理想的市场时,价格被认为是反映基本价值的一种方式,即把资源分配给那些愿意支付特定数额的价格以获得高于特定价值的股票的人。它倾向于认为,如果价格完全反映了可用的总体信息,市场就会涉及效率(Shiller 2014)。

EMH作为一种理论的发展,解释了证券价格走势最终是随机的原因。这意味着,实际上不可能根据与历史价格有关的变动来预测未来证券价格的趋势。EMH致力于解释“随机游走模型”,因为它声称当响应相同安全性的数据时,与特定安全性相关的价格值最终会发生变化(Ritter 2003)。集中概念EMH概念可以被认为是直观的,正如William Sharpe所评论的那样,“简单地说,本文的论点是,在一个运行良好的证券市场中,证券价格将反映基于所有相关和可用信息的预测。对于大多数专业经济学家而言,这似乎是不言而喻的小事——以至于测试似乎几乎是愚蠢的。


There had been a rise of three familiar economic theories between the years of 1950s and early years of 1970s, namely, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), the Miller- Modigliani Irrelevance Propositions and the Capital Asset Pricing Model. As stated by Kraakman and Gilson (2003), these theories are known to be sharing a common methodology and are set on the basis of an extensive combination of assumptions regarding perfect markets (Flifel 2012). And, these theories have been distilled by the assumptions of no transactional costs, perfect information and rational investors. The basic role to be perceived by capital markets is the efficient allocation of capital. When considering an ideal market, prices are known to be reflecting fundamental values in a manner that there is allocation of resources to the ones showing willingness in paying a specific amount of price for obtaining a stock over a specific value. It tends to perceive that a market will involve efficiency if the prices provide complete reflection of the overall information available (Shiller 2014).

There had been a development of EMH as a theory for explaining reasons due to which trends in security prices end up being random. This means that it is practically not possible for predicting future trends in prices of security on the basis of movements related to historical price. The EMH puts in effort for explaining “random walk model” as it purports that the value of price related to a specific security ends up changing when responding to data about the same security (Ritter 2003). The centralized notion EMH concept can be considered as intuitive and as commented by William Sharpe, “simply put, the thesis is that in a well-functioning securities market, the prices of securities will reflect predictions based on all relevant and available information. This seems to be trivially self-evident to most professional economists – so much so, that testing seems almost silly”.



