
英国 essay 代 写:自卫和保护的武器

英国 essay 代 写:自卫和保护的武器

胡椒喷雾是第一批引入的杀伤力较低的武器之一,目前仍是最主要的武器之一。这种喷雾很受大众欢迎,用于自卫和保护。今天,能量导体武器很常见,比如CED、Taser设备、电子眩晕设备等等。传统的执法机构都有一些使用这种设备的指示,以手和身体控制的形式,并且不会对嫌疑人造成伤害。在没有证据的情况下,除非法庭下令,否则没有人是有罪的。每个人都是嫌疑犯,用普通的枪或武器来抓罪犯。警方声称,当嫌疑人持刀或制造人质情况时,他们必须使用这些武器(Hess, et al. 2014)。在这种情况下,电子眩晕装置可以工作,因为它们可以工作到很远的距离,警察可以在不让嫌疑人知道的情况下从远处锁定目标。然而,人力资源机构批评使用电子眩晕设备,因为它们对个人健康有害。这种枪的主要缺点是12个规格的弹药输出,可能造成意外伤害。

英国 essay 代 写:自卫和保护的武器
眩晕枪可以解释为一种通过电充电的电子枪,由于电击强度高,嫌疑人可以用它控制自己几分钟。当时的痛苦是无法忍受的,嫌疑人不得不失去一切,警察抓住了嫌疑人。各机构表示,使用眩晕枪的好处无法避免使用这种枪的后果。缺点并不表现在使用上,而是表现在严重的生命威胁上(Kuhns和Knutsson, 2010)。电子眩晕枪装置是一种高压装置,目前被用来使攻击者瘫痪,这样他或她就可以自告奋勇了。在许多情况下,这个装置不是用来保护公民的,而是用来夺取许多人的生命。根据这些公司的说法,这种武器据说是不致命的,但它是一种严重的武器,会造成许多伤害和威胁。有两种装置;一种是要求警方与嫌疑人更近距离接触,给嫌疑人直接的电击。第二种装置是利用电线在远处产生电击。许多州已经禁止使用这些枪支,但当地法律已经表明,像胡椒喷雾器这样的非致命装置可以用于自卫和保护(Jones, 2002)。

英国 essay 代 写:自卫和保护的武器

Pepper spray was among the first less lethal weapon to be introduced that is still among the top weapons. This spray is popular among the general audience for self defense and protection. Today energy conductor weapons are common like CED, Taser device, electronic stun devices and many more. Traditional law enforcement agencies have some instructions for using this equipment in the form of hand and body control and providing no harm to the suspect. Without prove no one is guilty until the court orders. Everyone is the suspect and using normal gun or weapons for getting the convict. Police officers claim that they have to use these weapons when the suspect has knife or has made a hostage situation (Hess, et al. 2014). In this situation electronic stun devices work because they can work till long distance and police can target the suspect from a distance without letting him or her know. Human resource agencies however have criticized the use of electronic stun devices because of their harm to the individual health. The main disadvantage of this gun is in the form of 12 gauge- delivering munitions that can cause unintended injury.

英国 essay 代 写:自卫和保护的武器
Stun gun can be explained as an electronic gun that is charged through electricity and is used for the suspects for controlling them for a few minutes because the electric shock is high. The pain at that time is unbearable and suspect has to lose everything and police captures the suspect. Agencies have suggested that the benefits of using the stun gun cannot avoid the draw backs of using this gun. Drawbacks are not in the form of its usage but they are in the form of serious life threats (Kuhns and Knutsson, 2010). An electronic stun gun device is a high voltage device that is used at the moment for disabling the attacker so he or she can volunteer. In many cases, this device is not used for protecting the citizens but it is used for taking the live of many individuals. This weapon is said to be non lethal according to the companies but it is a serious weapon causing many injuries and threats. Two types of devices are present; one is requiring the police office to get closer with the suspect and give direct shock to the suspect. Second type of device is using wire for creating an electric shock at a distance. Many states have prohibited the use of these guns but the local laws have suggested that non lethal devices like pepper sprays can be used for self defense and protection (Jones, 2002).



