


All women are offered numerous prenatal tests during pregnancy, they determine if a pregnancy is at risk of a birth defect. Jane is in her early stage of pregnancy, which means she will be offered a range of routine tests. Simply measure her weight and height, and use them to calculate Jane’s BMI (body mass index). Over/underweight both increase risk of complications, once detected managements should be carried right away (Australian Government, 2016). Glucose challenges may also be recommended for checking for gestational diabetes, which develops only during pregnancy.
There are a large number of women who have had this condition occur. Gestational diabetes only lasts during pregnancy, but once developed it means the mother and baby is at risk of developing diabetes later in life (Department of Health, 2011). Ultrasound scans will be offered, too. This includes a dating scan, during which the baby’s due date can be confirmed, and an anomaly scan, which is a detailed scan of the baby. A nuchal translucency scan may be carried out d to detect the risk of the baby having chromosomal abnormality. There may be several blood tests offered to Jane, their results shows her blood group, RhD factor, gestational diabetes, and signs of infections (Australian Government, 2016).
A combination of results from a blood test and an ultrasound scan shows the risk of baby having Down syndrome. It also detects other abnormalities (Department of Health, 2011). The midwife may ask Jane or a sample of her urine to test for urinary tract infection. This is important because this infection is sometimes asymptomatic, and untreated infection can result in pregnancy complications (Government of South Australia, 2016). Then, the hospital may suggest Jane to take a Pap smear on her first antenatal visit. It is used to find early warning signs of cervical cancer. Cells are collected from cervix, which are examined in lab. The test shows changes to cells before they become cancerous (Mary, 2015). Regular Pap smears detect cell changes in early stage and treatments can be administered before cancer even develops.




