


从历史上看,中国人非常尊重自己的美食,研究它也是为了建立食物和它的药用价值之间的联系。中国的发展始于其北部平原地区,称为华北平原。最早种植的食物之一是谷子,如高粱和狐狸尾巴。水稻的种植最初集中在中国南方。早在公元前2000年,小麦就从亚洲西部传入中国,用于制作面汤。这种动物的肉,如羊肉、狗肉、猪肉和牛肉,构成了中国食物的一部分。同样的,烹饪的艺术或技巧也在几个世纪里发生了变化和发展。在大约公元前2000多年的早期,皇帝伏羲推广狩猎、捕鱼和农作物种植以及烹饪食物的艺术。在周王朝从公元前1122 – 249年,烹饪的艺术地位。秦始皇时期,中国的区域也得到了发展,并包括了南方地区。

直到汉朝的到来,中国发展成为一个重要和复杂的民族,它的美食也是如此。中国人认为食物在某种程度上是为了维持人类生存的阴阳,是“气”或能量的来源(Roberts, 2014)。这种哲学思想起源于中国古代的传统医学和易经。中国古代的人们常常对菜肴的香味、味道、质地和颜色进行挑剔。他们遵循甜、辣、酸、咸、苦的平衡法则,公认为“五味”,并根据食物的凉、热、暖、冷或“四性”对食物进行分类。有趣的是,中国古代只用盐作为食物的防腐剂,而不是普通的食盐。在他们的菜肴中,盐的使用只是通过酱油的使用(Anderson, 1988, p. 267)。由于中国人更喜欢勺子和筷子而不是刀叉,他们也煮食物,使它咬大小和软。


Historically, one can see that Chinese people immensely respect their gastronomy and study it also to establish connection between food and its medicinal values. The development of china began in its northern plain area called, North China Plain. One of the firstly cultivated food consisted of types of millets such as broomcorn and foxtail. The cultivation of rice was originally centered in the southern parts of China. The wheat made entrance to china from western parts of Asia by 2000 BC and was used in making noodle soups. The animal’s meats like mutton, dog, pork and beef formed the part of Chinese food. Similarly the art or techniques of cooking have changed and developed over several centuries. In early years around more than twenty centuries B.C. the Emperor Fuxi popularized hunting, fishing and crop cultivation along with the art of cooking the food. It was in Chou Dynasty spanning from 1122-249 B.C. that the cooking was given a status of art. During the Qin dynasty of Shi Huangdi China’s regions developed and encompassed the southern regions as well.

Till the advent of Han Dynasty the China developed into a major and complex nation and so does its cuisine. The Chinese consider that the food serves in a way to maintain the yin-yang of the human existence and is source of ‘qi’ or energy (Roberts, 2014). This philosophy had its origin in the traditional ancient Chinese medicine and I Ching. The ancient Chinese people used to critic about the aroma, taste, texture and color of the food being served. They followed the law of balancing between sweet, pungent, sour, salty and bitter, well recognized as the ‘Five Tastes’ and categorized food on the basis of cool, hot, warm and cold or the ‘Four Natures’ of the food. It is interesting to note that the ancient Chinese used salt only as preservatives of the food and not as common table salt in the dishes. In their dishes the use of salt was only through the use of soy sauce (Anderson, 1988, p. 267). Since the Chinese people preferred spoons and chopsticks instead of fork or knives, they also cooked their food so that it is bite-sized and soft.



