


在大中华地区的主要地区中,香港正面临着与该地区政治和民主发展有关的重大问题。由于城市发生了巨大的变化,这个城市正在经历边缘化。香港的变化产生了各种各样的社会、政治和经济问题(Zhang, He & ho2012, p. 161)。香港中小型机构在开拓内地市场方面的专业知识和资源较少。属于制造业的组织正面临着与更高的成本相关的问题,并在关闭商店和进一步迁往内陆其他国家寻找更好的生产成本更低的选择之间做出选择(Zhang, 2012)。在帮助制造业企业在珠江三角洲开展业务的服务业企业也面临着同样的问题。香港是保持领先地位的城市之一,是中国内地与外部世界接轨的地理首选城市。香港在机械和流程方面取得了进步,在人力资本和制度方面进行了投资,所有这些都有助于香港保持领先地位。这个城市目前面临着保持领先大陆的问题(Chow & Chen, 2012, p. 522)。

城市以“投资资本”的形式在金融方面进行各种投资。香港的投资资本赋予了它优越的地位,甚至有助于在人民币与内地可兑换的问题上维持自身的地位。城市拥有独特的地位,因为它拥有优越的智慧,而城市拥有优越的法律制度。与内地相比,香港还有许多其他方面需要提升,但也要保持香港在全球发展中的领先地位。城市在空气质量、有效建筑、节约能源和废物回收及其处理方面面临着国家环境方面的失败。与丹麦等欧洲国家以及韩国、新加坡和台湾等周边国家相比,香港的发展水平较低。香港的行政管理和梁振英的行政努力已经显示出一些改善,但如果香港想要成为一个领导者,将需要大约数十亿美元和高层政治承诺(Wei & Liefner, 2012,第103页)。香港必须在更多地区树立自己的领导地位,为大陆树立榜样。


Among the main regions of the Greater China, Hong-Kong is facing the major issues related with political and democratic development of the region. The city is experiencing marginalization because of the drastic changes taking place in the city. The changes taking place in Hong-Kong have resulted in the generation of various social, political and economic problems (Zhang, He & Huo, 2012, p. 161). There is less expertise and resources available with the small and medium sized organizations of Hong-Kong that can help in tapping the market of mainland. The organizations belonging to the manufacturing sectors are facing problems related to higher costs and making choices between closing the shops and moving further in inland else to find some better option in other countries for lower costs of production (Zhang, 2012). The same sorts of problems are being faced by the companies of the service sectors that are helping manufacturing firms conduct their activities in the Pearl River Delta.Hong-Kong is one of the cities that stays ahead and is preferred by geography as a city through which interior China is able to meet the outside world. The city worked for the advancements of machinery and processes, investments in human capital and systems and all these help Hong-Kong stay ahead. The city currently is facing the problem of staying ahead of the mainland (Chow & Chen, 2012, p. 522).

Various investments are made by the city in aspects of finance in form of “invested capital”. The invested capital of Hong-Kong has given it a position of superiority that even helps in sustaining itself when it comes to the convertibility of the currency to the mainland. The city enjoys a unique position because of its superior intelligence that the city has got due to its legal system.There are various other areas in Hong-Kong that needs advancement in comparison to the mainland but also to keep the city in forefront in the global developments. The city faces failures in the environment of the country in aspects of quality of air, efficient buildings, saving of energy sources and recycling of wastes and their disposal. The city is experiencing low advancements levels in comparison with the nations of Europe, such as Denmark and other neighboring countries like South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. The administration of Hong-Kong and the administrative efforts made by the Leung Chun-ying have shown some improvements but will take about billions of dollars and high level political commitment if the city wants to establish itself as a leader (Wei & Liefner, 2012, p. 103). The city has to find more regions in which it can establish itself as a leader and led example for the mainland.



