


英国的时尚零售业本质上是动态的,受全球市场趋势的影响很大。数据显示,英国时尚零售市场主要由女装主导,占整个市场规模的一半以上。ZARA是西班牙加利西亚Arteixo地区领先的服装及配饰零售商之一。通过为中上收入群体提供设计有品位、价格合理的服装(Mihm, 2010),在全球时尚服装市场上推出各种最新款式、活泼潮流、触感更佳。Zara以其物美价廉、时尚新颖的时尚配饰和服装系列,迅速进入时尚市场。该品牌对广告的重要回顾,为其所瞄准的价格意识、潮流设定和更敏感的年轻市场,描绘了具有吸引力、时尚和新潮的服装信息脚本。这些品牌的产品组合针对的是各种各样的时尚配饰和服装系列,目标客户是漂亮、时尚、年轻的女性,她们喜欢在每个季节、每个地点或场合都穿着得体,等等。


The fashion retail industry in UK is very dynamic in nature and is greatly influenced by global market trends. It is primarily brand driven and works according to the seasonal trends prevailing in market (Britain.experian.com)The data shows that the Fashion Retail Market in UK is primarily dominated by women’s wear which is more than half of the total market size. ZARA is one of the leading clothing & accessories retail based in Arteixo, Galicia, Spain. It has put forward various latest designs, vivacious trends, and finer touch in the fashion apparel market worldwide by providing tastefully designed outfits at reasonable prices for middle and upper middle income group (Mihm, 2010). Zara penetrates into the market of fashion very quickly due to its affordable, trendy and innovative range of fashion accessories and clothing. Significant review of the advertisement by the brand depicts the message script of appealing, stylish and trendy clothing for price conscious, trend setting and more sensitive young market which it targets. The product portfolio of these brands targets a wide range of fashion accessories and clothing collections marketed at pretty, trendy and young women who love to be well dressed in every season and at every place or occasion, etc.
These brands generate a variety of cotton tops which are lightweight and shirts with comfortable shorts of cotton twill, linen blazers and cropped linen pant. Targeted customer’s features include elegance, glamour, feminism, seductiveness and playfulness.Majority of the customers wish to hang out with their friends, colleagues, etc. in the weekends and love to adventure with the style and attitude. Few customers may emphasize the good fitting, few as a comfort fitting; few people are obsessed regarding the cost, quality and brand of the accessories. Brands like Zara fit in this segmented market by offering these customers with outfits they like and various trendy, different fitting clothing and accessories in order to provide a cutting edge products based on fashion and retail. These companies also offer dynamic hot trends adopted by various customer bases and offer their marvelous collection available quickly in the stores as well as online on their websites.



