


Ansoff矩阵是一种业务分析工具,主要用于基于SWOT分析的业务未来战略解读。Ansoff matrix提出了四种增加产品存在的策略(Darroch, 2014)。研究发现,市场渗透、产品拓展、市场拓展和产品多元化是四大战略。公司使用Ansoff矩阵作为开发产品的公式。通过SWOT分析发现,品牌的主要优势在于品牌认知度、产品多样化、创新活动,塑造了健康的品牌形象(Hollenson, 2015)。具有产品完整性,不使用转基因产品。这些都是这个品牌的优势。明显的缺点是有很多有竞争力的品牌提供类似的产品给消费者。新进入者是该产品的主要威胁。这种产品的机会包括向儿童销售更健康的选择。通过对桂格燕麦的分析,提出了制定新产品开发策略的建议(Hollenson, 2015)。

选择这种策略的原因是桂格燕麦可以在目前已经建立的使用这种策略的市场中扩大其渗透力。它们拥有巨大的品牌价值和产品诚信。这样,他们就可以密切监控产品在市场上的竞争和表现。该方案风险相对较低,回报率较高。因此,这是对公司的建议。该产品早餐麦片的目标受众为22 – 45岁的成年女性(Collins, 2014)。研究发现,这群人更倾向于选择更健康的食物。研究发现,这些年龄段的女性生活方式更加积极,她们更喜欢健康的食物。因此,这是他们产品的主要目标受众。第二目标包括学生、年轻家庭和专业人士。如前所述,针对这个目标受众有许多产品范围。


Ansoff matrix is a business analysis tool that is used to primarily decipher the future strategies for the business based on the SWOT analysis. Ansoff matrix suggests four strategies to increase product presence (Darroch, 2014). It has been found that market penetration, product expansion, market expansion and diversification of product are the four main strategies. Companies use Ansoff matrix as a formula to develop the products. It has been found that the SWOT analysis that the major strength of the brand is the brand awareness, product diversification, innovative campaigns and they have created a brand persona of being healthy (Hollenson, 2015). It has product integrity and it does not use GMO products. These are the strength of this brand. Significant weakness is that there are a number of competitive brands that offer similar products to the consumers. New entrants are a major threat to this product. An opportunity for this product includes selling healthier options to the children. From the analysis of Quaker Oats, it has been suggested to develop new product development strategy (Hollenson, 2015).

Reason for preferring this strategy is that Quaker oats can extend its market penetration in the current established using this strategy. They have immense brand equity and product integrity. Using this, they can closely monitor the competition and performance of the product in the markets. This proposal will be relatively lower in risk and high probability of returns. Hence this is suggested for the company. For breakfast cereal target audience for this product is found to be adult women from the ages of 22 to 45 (Collins, 2014). This group of people is found to be more inclined to eating healthier options. Women in these age groups are found to lead more active lifestyles and prefer to have healthier choices of food. Hence this is the primary target audience for their products. Secondary target includes students, young families and professionals. As mentioned there are a number of product range for this target audience.



