
英国赫福郡大学论文代写 :埃及硬币的形成

英国赫福郡大学论文代写 :埃及硬币的形成

两种传统的埃及日历分别被称为固定日历或Sothaic日历和模糊日历或civil calendar。这一系列硬币的形成是基于希腊占星术。太阳、月亮和七颗行星的象征是通过德拉克姆熊类型的硬币(Harries, 2012)。当这些行星体通过黄道十二宫时,它们作为符号被古人熟知。完整的黄道十二宫和两个黄道带结合他们的符号是由两个罕见的品种的硬币描绘。这两种历法对两种埃及历法之间的巧合表现出明显的关注。那银币被妖魔化为四层镀银的银币。他于公元前101年执政。这种硬币的铸币厂是罗马。在这枚硬币上可以观察到的主要事情是罗马人的头戴着右翼头盔”。在后面有控制标记。在硬币的背面,马吕斯被加密为一个缓慢的四边形中的三人组。左手抓住月桂树枝,右手抓住权杖。孩子坐在附近的马和“Q”是上面说的和“C-FVNDAN”在练习。硬币的重量是3.0克,直径是18.8毫米。

英国赫福郡大学论文代写 :埃及硬币的形成

英国赫福郡大学论文代写 :埃及硬币的形成

The two traditional Egyptian calendars were named as the fixed or Sothaic calendar and the Vague or civil calendar. The basis on which the series of the coins were formed was the Greek astrology. The sun, moon and the seven planets were symbolized through the drachms bear types of the coins (Harries, 2012). These planetary bodies used as symbols were well known to the ancients as they passed through the zodiac signs. The complete Zodiac signs and two Zodiacs in combination with their signs were depicted by the two rare varieties of coins. These two varieties showed clear attention towards coincidence between the two Egyptian calendars. The demonization of the coin was Fourree silver plated denarius. He held office in 101 BC. The Mint of this coin was Rome. The major things to be observed on this coin are the head of Roma that is having right winged helmet “.R” and have control mark behind. On the reverse side of the coin there is Marius is encrypted as Triumhator in a slow quadriga right. In the left hand the laurel branch is seized and in right staff is grasped. The child is sitting on the near horse and “Q” is stated above and “C-FVNDAN” in exergue. The weight of the coin is 3.0 grams and in diameter it is 18.8 mm.

英国赫福郡大学论文代写 :埃及硬币的形成
Marius joint triumph shows a remarkable type of commemorate with Q. Lutatius Catalus in 101 BC. It was suggested by Crawford that 8- year old son of Marius might be the rider on the near horse. The strike as Questor was made by Fundanius and no special reference was given to the issue as a special senatorial authority (Parsons, 2012). The coin had the head of Jupiter right as of Laureate and had a control mark that was behind C FVNDA. The coin displayed the standing of the victory on the right and was holding palm-branch and was holding trophy that was crowing with wreath, carnyx to right, and is having the captive kneeling at the left side of the trophy that has the hands tied behind back. The Fundania belonged to the plebeian family at Rome. This family was noticed in the middle of the third century BC. The consulship in the 243 BC was obtained by one of the members of the family. No such importance in the state was attained by the Fundanii.



