


一个任务陈述可以是两个单词或两个句子或一个图像。但是它在一个组织的成功中扮演着重要的角色。专家们对使命宣言的定义和组成有不同的看法。一些专家认为,任务说明应包括组织目标、哲学观点、长期目标、市场和产品的未来范围(爱尔兰和Hirc, 1992年)。另一些人则建议,一个组织应该专注于能够有效塑造其未来的目标和鼓舞人心的观点。其他一些专家对特派团声明的因素进行了批判性的审查。他们认为,一个组织的使命陈述应该从其宗旨出发,继续以其目标市场和核心产品或服务为出发点,最终以能够证明其成功的关键价值为终点(Justice and Jamieson, 2012)。对于使命声明的组成、组成部分和目的有不同的看法。

但最常见的理解是,使命声明有助于组织清楚地陈述其目标和功能,从而吸引潜在的股东参与组织(Bartkus, Glassman, and Bruce McAfee, 2000)。我们必须清楚地分析两个不同组织的使命陈述,以便评估使命陈述如何以及在多大程度上对一个组织有用和有益。本文试图对三星和麦当劳的使命陈述进行评价。这些组织来自不同的业务部门。因此,很明显,这些公司的使命陈述应该有明显的区别。三星被认为是技术制造领域的领导者。另一方面,麦当劳可能是快餐业中最著名和最受欢迎的品牌。首先,我们必须看看这两个组织的使命声明。三星的使命宣言是:“三星遵循一个简单的经营理念:用自己的人才和技术,创造卓越的产品和服务,为更好的全球社会做出贡献。”为实现这一目标,三星对员工和技术的重视程度很高”(Samsung, 2014)。


A mission statement can be two words or two sentences or a single image. But it certainly has a huge role in the success of an organization. Experts have different opinions on the definitions and composition of a mission statement. According to some experts, a mission statement should include the organizational goals, philosophical views, long term purpose, the future scope for market and product (Ireland and Hirc, 1992). Some others suggest that an organization should focus its purpose and the inspirational view that can effectively shape its future. Some other experts have critically examined the factor of the mission statement. They suggest that the mission statement of an organization should start with its purpose, continue with its target market and core products or services, and finally finish with the critical value of the organization that can prove to be effective in its success (Justice and Jamieson, 2012). There are varied views on the composition, component, and purpose of a mission statement.

But the most common understanding is that a mission statement helps the organization to clearly state its goal and functionality, so that it can attract the prospective shareholders to get involved with the organization (Bartkus, Glassman, and Bruce McAfee, 2000). We have to clearly analyze the mission statements of two different organizations, in order to evaluate how exactly and to what extent a mission statement can prove to be useful and beneficial for an organization. This paper tries to evaluate the mission statements of Samsung and McDonald’s. These organizations are from different business sectors. Therefore, it is obvious that there should be a clear difference between the mission statements of these companies. Samsung is considered as a leader in the field of technological manufacturing. On the other hand, McDonald’s is perhaps the most reputed and popular brand in the sector of fast food industry. At first, we have to look at the mission statements of these two organizations. The mission statement of Samsung is: “Samsung follows a simple business philosophy: to devote its talent and technology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society. To achieve this, Samsung sets a high value on its people and technologies” (SAMSUNG, 2014).



