





Renaud does not hide his adulation for the French artist Sempe and the influences that the French genius had in the development of the storyline and also the illustrations. For Renaud perhaps, the cartoonish element in The New Yorker and The Far Side covers was probably the biggest influences in the initial days of production. The similarities can be seen in the ways in which the scenes are illustrated and treated almost like “windows” in order to create a visual narrative that observes the hopeless animals running around in the big city (Renaud). The various ways in which Renaud has been successful in giving vent to his artistic expression is certainly true to his abilities and his intent. Scott’s observation can be conclusive in asserting that the simplicity that lies at the heart of the film is what makes the work thoroughly relatable, “Which is, all in all, pretty good fun. Talking-animal cartoons generally are, if they have even a modest quantity of wit or cross-species insight.

And while this movie never achieves — and does not really aim for — the emotional richness or visual inventiveness of the better Pixar features, or the sly social consciousness of Zootopia it has a playful absurdity and a winning, friendly spirit” (Scott).The artistic intent of Renaud rests on his observation and reflection on Life from a probable “caricature-ish” viewpoint that relates the daily humdrum within a specific cartoonish space. The Secret Life of Pets is certainly successful in maintaining that intent of Renaud, by relating and narrating a story that is hugely relatable. The film is light-hearted laying not too much emphasis on developing critical ideas. The intent of the director is clear in the film; to present a feel-good movie to his audience that they can relate to, the key lies in its simplicity.



