
英国利兹音乐学院论文代写 :能源消费增长

英国利兹音乐学院论文代写 :能源消费增长

根据美国能源情报署(U.S. Energy Information Administration)的报告,中国在2011年成为全球最大的能源消费国,并成为仅次于美国的第二大石油消费国。在能源消费增长与经济发展特别是中国等新兴市场需求旺盛的新形势下。这是所有社会都要处理的最困难的问题。英国,这个大规模工业化的先驱者,可以说在过去的200年里,内部和外部成本之间存在着巨大的紧张关系,然而任何形式的环境报告都可能还不到20年,还没有变得系统和全面。如果报告是第一阶段,那么审计报告是第二阶段。外部性一直没有被忽视,但从历史上看,应对措施采取的形式是中央和地方政府以测量和检查为支持的规定,例如控制排放到河流或无烟区的噪音或废水。

英国利兹音乐学院论文代写 :能源消费增长

英国利兹音乐学院论文代写 :能源消费增长

From the report of the U.S. Energy Information Administration, China became the largest global energy consumer in 2011 and second largest oil consumer just behind the United States. In the new context of conflict between increasing energy consumption with high demand of economy development especially for some emerging market like China.This is a most difficult issue for all societies to deal with. Britain, the pioneer of large-scale industrialization could have been said to have had significant tensions between internal and external costs for maybe 200 years, yet environmental reporting of any kind there is probably less than 20 years old and has not yet become systematic and comprehensive. If reporting is the first stage, then auditing what is reported is the second. Externalities have not been ignored all that time but historically the response took the form of central and local government regulations backed up by measurement and inspections, e.g. control of noise or effluents discharged into rivers, or smokeless zones.

英国利兹音乐学院论文代写 :能源消费增长
The original intention of this research dissertation is to find the way in which the Chinese economy can be on track of sustainability and healthy life style by analyzing the accounting data, as well as comparing it with other countries in reference with the issue of energy. In this dissertation, FDI will be regarded as a key point for analysing the circumstance of China. Proof by significant facts will be provided that China has been one of the most successful countries to attract and utilize foreign capital of the past few years, According to the report of China daily, staring from 1990(Less than $19 billion) to 2014(Over $128 billion). To explore what is the link between the foreign direct investment and energy consumption, maybe the clue can be found in the composition of FDI, as foreign investors prefer invest in secondary sector much more than the rest of other sectors. The aim of this research is to relate accounting audit system’s impact on economy with associated saving energy and improving energy efficiency.



